Epoch-making new effect like the main effect programs include multi-tap delay which can determine each level of time and balance, the round pan and intelligent pitch which can add harmony through internal recording on specific keys and scale. The temp, stereo echo and temp, quad echo also add new attractive effects to the Yamaha SPX990.
With a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz, the Yamaha SPX990 delivers full, flat frequency response from 20Hz to 20kHz for exceptionally clean, “transparent” effect sound and direct digital interfacing capability making it compatible with the most up-to-date sound system.
The preset effect programs can be edited, re-titled and stored in any of the 80 RAM memory locations. Individual 3-band parametric EQ and dynamic filter parameters are provided for each effect program for precise tonal tailoring.
In addition to the basic effect and EQ parameters, the Yamaha SPX990 offers a list of “internal parameters” which provide exacting control over the effect sound. The Yamaha SPX990 is also MIDI compatible, with a MIDI IN terminal that allows MIDI selection of effect programs and a switchable MIDI THRU/OUT terminal.
When switched to OUT, edited programs stored in the internal RAM can be dumped to a MIDI data recorder or other data storage devices. Programs thus stored can be reloaded, when necessary, via the MIDI IN terminal.
As an extra touch of convenience, the Yamaha SPX990’s analogue input and output terminals can be switched to match -20dBm or +4dBm line levels, providing compatibility with a broader range of sound equipment. Convenient external data storage is provided by a card slot that accepts optional RAM cards that can be used to store effect programs.
Advanced Hardware for Superior Sound
The latest 20-bit analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion technology- sampling at 44.1kHz. Frequency response extends all the way from 20 Hz to 20 kHz; dynamic range is an extraordinary 106dB; noise and distortion are negligible.
Stereo Configuration with Balanced Inputs and Outputs
A true 2-in/2-out stereo configuration that allows stereo sources to be processed without disrupting the original stereo image. Stereo inputs and outputs are all electronically balanced, with XLR and TRS phone jack connectors.
Preset, Internal, and Card Memory
180 memory locations “on board”. 80 of these are read-only memory. The remaining 100 are writable memory locations. Plug-in memory cards hold an extra 100 effect programs each.
Three-stage Effect Configuration
In addition to the main effects, the Yamaha SPX990 provides programmable pre and post effects that can be used to refine and polish your sound.
In-depth Programming Power
The Yamaha SPX990 has 4 programmable pre-effects, 36 programmable main effects, and 3 programmable post effects.
Tempo-based Delay Time Programming
Delay time parameters can be programmed in terms of tempo or note length. Delay time can also be entered via a footswitch or MIDI clock data.
Superior Pitch Precision
The Yamaha SPX990 achieves faultless pitch tracking through a new dynamic waveform analysis technique. In addition to the simple parallel pitch tracking the SPX990’s “intelligent” pitch change creates appropriate harmony based on a specified key and scale type.
External Parameter Control
The Yamaha SPX990 allows two selected parameters from each program to be assigned to two external MIDI controllers.
MIDI Control
The Yamaha SPX990 allows MIDI selection of all programs, and real-time control of up to two selected effect parameters at the same time.
4 Pre-Effects
1. 3-band PEQ *1, 2. Compressor *1, 3. Harmonic Driver *1, 4. Compressor, Dist. and EQ *3 *1= 2 IN – 2 OUT, *2 = 1 IN – 2 OUT, *3 = 1 IN, 1 OUT
36 Main Effects: Reverb, Early Reflections, Delay and Echo, Modulation
REVERB: Reverb *2, Filtered Reverb *2, Stereo Reverb *1, Echo Room *2; EARLY REFLECTIONS: Thin Early Reflection *2, Fat Early Reflection *2, Gate Reverb *2, Reverse Gate *2; DELAY and ECHO: Delay L, C, R *2, Echo *2, Multi Tap Delay *2, Stereo Echo *1, Tempo Mono Echo *2, Tempo Stereo Echo *1, Tempo Quad Echo *1; MODULATION: Flanger *1, Dual Flanger *1, FM Chorus *1, AM Chorus *1, Phaser *1, Symphonic *1 *1= 2 IN – 2 OUT, *2 = 1 IN – 2 OUT, *3 = 1 IN, 1 OUT
Main Effects continued: Pitch Change, Pan, Complex Effects, Freeze
PITCH CHANGE: Mono Pitch Change *3, Dual Pitch Chance *2, Triple Pitch Chance *2, Stereo Pitch Change *1; PAN: Auto Pan *2, Triggered Pan *2; COMPLEX EFFECTS: Chorus and Reverb *2, Symphonic and Reverb *2, Flanger and Reverb *2, Reverb (L) / Reverb (R) *1, ER (L)/ Reverb (R) *1, Echo (L) / Reverb (R) *1, Chorus (L) / Reverb (R) *1, Pan (L) / Pan (R) *1; FREEZE: Freeze *3 *1= 2 IN – 2 OUT, *2 = 1 IN – 2 OUT, *3 = 1 IN – 1 OUT
3 Post Effects
1. 3-band PEQ *1; 2. Compressor *1, Harmonic Driver *1 *1 = 2 IN – 2 OUT
3 Responses
does the spx 990 contain the spx90/pro mix patch symphonic?
All SPX units have the Symphonic patch in them.
Great website!