Weiss ADC2

Weiss ADC2 Digital Converter with Microphone Preamps

The Weiss ADC2 was designed for recording situations where there is no room for compromises. Every detail in its intricate circuitry serves to perfectly capture every nuance of the incoming audio and maintain the signal’s integrity all the way to your recording medium.

Weiss ADC2 Digital Converter with Microphone Preamps Details

Whether the input comes from microphones or line-level sources, the Weiss ADC2 digital converter is the choice for recordings that are meant to last forever.

Use the Weiss ADC2 to record live music on location or in a studio, with microphones connected to the unit’s two high-end microphone preamps.

Or use the line inputs to capture the stereo output of an analogue mixing or mastering desk – or to digitise analogue tapes for remastering or archival purposes. Whatever the input source, the Weiss ADC2 will capture every detail without compromise or coloration.

The Weiss ADC2 uses state-of-the-art A/D chips in our proven Correlation Technique configuration. Every audio channel uses two converter channels which reduces converter imperfections. The analogue input stages are kept balanced from the input connectors all the way to the converter chips.

The input levels are controlled by a relay attenuator circuit with 1 dB steps, for perfect matching between the channels and easy, accurate recall. The built-in peak limiter guarantees that clipping can never occur.

The output formats are AES/EBU in one or two-wire technique, S/PDIF in single-wire as well as Firewire for a direct connection to computers. The Firewire connection can also be used to feed a signal from the computer to the S/PDIF output of the Weiss ADC2.

A large bar graph shows input and output levels, overload conditions, and the gain reduction in the aforementioned peak limiter.


Line Inputs

  • Two channels on XLR female connectors, pin 2 hot
  • Symmetrical, not earth free
  • Input impedance > 5 kΩ

Microphone Inputs

  • Two channels on XLR female connectors, pin 2 hot
  • Symmetrical, not earth free
  • Input impedance > 5 kΩ
  • 48V phantom power switchable
  • Gain control in 1 dB steps up to + 54 dB

AES/EBU Output

  • Sampling frequencies: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz
  • Output word length: 16 bits, 24 bits
  • Connectors: Two XLR male, 110 Ω
  • Professional Channel Status Data format
  • Single Wire format for sampling frequencies between 44.1 kHz and 192 kHz
  • Double Wire format for sampling frequencies of 88.2 kHz or higher (switchable)

S/PDIF Output

  • Sampling frequencies: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz
  • Output word length: 16 bits, 24 bits
  • Connector: RCA, 75 Ω
  • Professional Channel Status Data format


  • Frequency response: ±0.3dB 20 Hz-40 kHz
  • THD+N at 1 kHz: Less than -103 dBFS at -3 dBFS output level, unweighted
  • SNR at -40 dBFS input: Higher than 110 dB unweighted
  • Crosstalk: Less than -120 dB, 0 Hz –20 kHz
  • CMRR: Higher than 90dB at 1 kHz, higher than 80dB at 20 kHz, higher than 60dB at 20 Hz
  • Interchannel Phase Tracking: Better than ±0.3°, 20 Hz – 20 kHz
  • Latency: 2.6 ms at 44.1 kHz, 1.75 ms at 96 kHz, 1.38 ms at 192 kHz


  • Depth: 30 cm / 11.8 inches
  • Width: 43.3 cm / 17 inches (19 inches with rack ears)
  • Height: 4.4 cm / 1.7 inches (1 RU)

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Weiss ADC2 Digital Converter with Microphone Preamps

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