Warm Audio WA76

Warm Audio WA76 Compressor

Warm Audio WA76 Compressor provides accurate reproduction of the most powerful and adaptable studio compressor / limiting amplifier of all time, the 1176.

Warm Audio WA76 Compressor Details

The Warm Audio WA76 Discrete Compressor is a modern reproduction of the Classic ’76 Revision D. The Warm Audio WA76 has a fully discrete signal path and uses the original Reichenbach Engineering’s (now CineMag) transformer design. The classic ’76 was a major breakthrough in limiter technology and used on hundreds of hit records since its inception. Engineers have craved the ultra-fast attack time and trademark sound of the ’76 for decades, and now it is finally affordable!

Our goal with the Warm Audio WA76 was to make a compressor of this pedigree affordable for the first time, without compromising the quality and design parameters that make this type of compressor so desirable.

The Warm Audio WA76 can reproduce the classic effect known as ‘All Buttons In’ mode, sometimes also referred to as ‘British Mode’ or the ‘Four Button Trick’. Originally an accident due to the mechanical nature of the interconnected latching switches, this mode is reproduced by pushing in all four ratio buttons simultaneously and getting them to latch. This can take a bit of practice. The resulting compression curve is aggressive and unmistakably unique and can be heard on the drum tracks of many classic recordings.

All-buttons-in compression is typically characterised by having a very aggressive compression ratio, attack and release curves that are more drastic plateaus opposed to gentler slopes, and more audible distortion or ‘overdrive’ on the signal. Initial transients are more likely to come through loudly, followed by heavy compression curve sometimes described as having a ‘sucking’ effect as the compressor releases. Because this mode is considered a design accident, faithfully maintained; it is normal for the meter function to ‘peg out’ and cease providing accurate metering.

We have faithfully reproduced the circuitry of the revision D, generally considered one of the best and most popular among the different versions made over the years. We’ve used all discrete, through-hole components, high quality CineMag input and output transformers, and a class A circuit that stays true to the legacy design.

Warm Audio WA76 Features

  • Utilises Premium Grade Input and Output Cinemag USA Transformers.
  • True to the Classic ’76 Compressor in Design and Performance.
  • Completely Discrete Signal Path.
  • Modelled After the D Revision.
  • Supports The Famous “All Buttons In” Ratio Setting.
  • Ultra-Fast Attack Time.
  • Class A Line Level Output Amplifier.
  • Input Impedance – 600 Ohms, Bridges-t Control (Floating).
  • Frequency Response ± 1 Db 20 Hz To 20khz.
  • XLR And TRS Inputs. XLR And TRS Outputs.


  • 50db Of Gain.
  • Less Than 0.4% Total Harmonic Distortion From 50 Hz To 20 Khz With Limiting.
  • Signal To Noise Ratio Is Greater Than 74 Db At +25 Dbm.
  • Ein -104.1 Dbm.
  • Attack Time, 20 Microseconds To 800 Microseconds.
  • Release Time, 50 Milliseconds To 1 Second.
  • Meter Provides Db Gain Reduction And Db Output.
  • Switchable 115/230 Volt Iec Power Inlet.
  • 19″ Rackmount Chassis, 2u.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

Warm Audio WA76
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Warm Audio WA76 Compressor

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