Classic Recording Studio Gear

Vintage Digital

Valley People 610

Valley People 610 Dual Compressor/Expander

The Valley People 610 Dual Compressor/Expander is a versatile, high-quality dynamics processor offering dual-channel compression, expansion, and various advanced features for professional audio applications.

Valley People 610 Dual Compressor/Expander Details

The Valley People 610 Dual Compressor/Expander is an advanced dynamics processor that combines two high-quality compressors with the versatility of multi-function dynamics processing, all housed in a robust 3.5″ x 19″ rack package. Each of the two channels features a compressor section and an expander section, both controlling a common channel VCA. A unique release coupling circuit ensures symmetrical release characteristics for both the compressor and expander, allowing for interactive processing and eliminating the issues associated with using separate units.

The compressor section’s threshold is continuously adjustable from -40 dB to +20 dB, and together with the continuously variable ratio and selectable attack times, it can function as a peak limiter or a compressor with fast, medium, or slow attack characteristics. Additionally, the compressor can be configured for voice-over applications where the ratio control sets the amount of gain reduction in response to an external audio source.

The unit includes a unique threshold/ratio/output coupling scheme that automatically computes the necessary make-up gain to maintain a preset nominal output level while compressing lower-level signals under varying threshold and ratio settings. An LED indicator signals when the compressor is active.

The expander section features continuously adjustable Threshold and Range controls, with the ability to select between two slopes: 1:2 for expansion and 1:20 for gating. An “expand” LED indicates the operation of the expander. The channel VCA release time is adjustable from 50 ms to 5 seconds for 20 dB of recovery and can be modified by selecting “auto-release,” using Valley People’s exclusive Anticipatory Release Computer, which adjusts release time based on program content.

The VCA mode control allows FM pre-emphasis compensated operation, with internal jumpers to select 25, 50, or 75 µs pre-emphasis curves. External signals can control the VCA section, enabling effects such as envelope following and keying.

The Valley People 610 features a simple LED bar-graph display for monitoring gain reduction and an overload warning indicator to alert the operator to signal levels approaching clipping. Channel bypass switches prevent signal loss in the event of component failure, and a stereo coupling feature allows both compressor and expander sections to be interconnected for stereo processing.

Among its many functions, the Valley People 610 can perform expanded compression, where the audio signal is compressed to reduce dynamic range, and the expander reduces residual noise that would otherwise be accentuated by the compression process during low-level passages or pauses. The VCA release circuit’s unique coupling ensures imperceptible transitions between compression and expansion.

The Valley People 610 also supports expanded voice-over mode, FM pre-emphasis compensated compression, limiting, and expansion, and compressed limiting, which increases loudness and acts as a peak limiter. It can perform envelope following, inverse envelope following, gated compression and limiting, noise gating, keying, companding, and other variations for over 20 modes of operation.

In summary, the Valley People 610 Dual Compressor/Expander is a versatile and high-performance dynamics processor, suitable for a wide range of audio processing tasks in professional studio environments.


  • Input
    • Maximum Input Level: +25 dB balanced, +21 dB unbalanced
    • Usable Input Level Range: -40 dB to +26 dB
    • Input Common Mode Rejection: >60 dB typical
  • Output
    • Output Source Impedance: <40 ohms balanced, <27 ohms unbalanced
    • Nominal Output Level: 0 dBm to +8 dBm into 600 ohms
    • Maximum Output Level: +24 dBm balanced, +21 dBm unbalanced
  • Compression
    • Threshold: Continuously adjustable from -40 dB to +20 dB
    • Ratio: Continuously variable
    • Attack Time: Selectable
    • Release Time: 50 ms to 5 s, with auto-release option
  • Expansion
    • Threshold: Continuously adjustable
    • Range: Continuously adjustable
    • Slope: Selectable 1:2 for expansion, 1:20 for gating
  • Performance
    • Static THD: 0.01% typical at 1 kHz, 0 dB in, unity gain
    • Static SMPTE IMD: 0.01% typical at 0 dB in, unity gain, into 600 ohms
    • Dynamic THD: 0.15% typical at 1 kHz, +20 dB in, 20 dB gain reduction
    • Output Noise and Hum: 84 dB typical (20 Hz – 20 kHz)
    • Residual Noise: 105 dB typical referenced to maximum output level
    • Dynamic Range: Adds 30 dB to signal’s dynamic range


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