UTC 4-B EQ Filter

The UTC 4-B EQ Filter was introduced in the 1950s, crafted by the United Transformer Corporation (UTC), and renowned for its warm and natural sound, achieved through a transformer-coupled design that shapes audio signals without active electronics.


UTC 4-B EQ Filter Details

The UTC 4-B EQ Filter is a vintage passive equaliser from the 1950s, crafted by the United Transformer Corporation (UTC). Renowned for its warm and natural sound, it relies on a transformer-coupled, passive design that uses inductors and capacitors to shape audio signals without active electronics. This approach results in a low noise floor and a subtle harmonic richness that adds depth and character to recordings.

The EQ curves of the UTC 4-B are often described as highly musical, making it ideal for tonal shaping during mixing or mastering. Its smooth response ensures that adjustments enhance the sound naturally, without introducing harshness or unnatural artefacts. Audio professionals have used it to refine the tonal balance of vocals, instruments, and even entire mixes, while preserving the integrity of the original audio.

Built with the robust materials characteristic of its era, the UTC 4-B is a durable piece of equipment that has stood the test of time. Its rarity in today’s market, combined with its exceptional sound quality, has made it a coveted item among collectors and engineers alike. Units in good condition are highly sought after, often commanding premium prices.

As part of the lineage of classic passive equalisers, the UTC 4-B has left a lasting legacy. While many modern recreations aim to capture its unique tone, the original remains an unparalleled tool for those seeking authentic vintage sound.


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Alternatives to the UTC 4-B EQ Filter

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Plugin Alternatives

UTC 4-B EQ Filter Plugins

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Classic Tracks

UTC 4-B EQ Filter Used on these Recordings

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Famous Racks

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