Stam MEQP-1A+

Stam MEQP-1A+ Tube Equaliser

The Stam MEQP-1A+ combines the EQP-1A, MEQ-5 mid-band, and EQP-1ASS solid-state output stage, adding a unique mid-band boost. Built with premium Sowter transformers, Carnhill inductors, and NOS tubes, it delivers authentic Pultec tone with modern versatility. Handcrafted in Chile, it’s rigorously tested for flawless performance.

Stam MEQP-1A+ Tube Equaliser Details

The Stam MEQP-1A+ is unlike any other Pultec EQP-1A replica, combining three units into one. It features the mid-band section of the Pultec MEQ-5, the solid-state 2520 op-amp output stage found in the EQP-1ASS, and the original EQP-1A, all selectable with the flip of a switch.

This design not only makes the Stam MEQP-1A+ the most versatile Pultec replica available but also one of the most faithful-sounding recreations of the original. Additionally, Stam Audio introduced the ability to boost the mid-band, an innovative feature that expands on the original’s capabilities.

After retiring the MK1 EQP-1A in 2019, years were spent developing custom-made input, inter-stage, and output transformers, along with accurate inductors, to revive the authentic sound of a vintage Pultec. The Stam MEQP-1A+ is built using three Sowter Audio transformers made in the UK, a US-made 2503-style custom output transformer, two Stam Audio SA-2520 discrete op-amps, three Carnhill inductors, and three tubes, including the 6X4 tube on the power supply, renowned for its signature “sag.”

Sowter transformers, although costly, were chosen for their superior low-end performance, sonic timbre, and unique frequency response, faithfully reproducing the tone of vintage units. These components, combined with the SA-2520 op-amps and Carnhill inductors, ensure the Stam MEQP-1A+ offers unmatched tonal authenticity and sonic precision.

The Stam MEQP-1A+ is crafted with premium components, including custom Sowter transformers, Carnhill inductors, NOS tubes, Corner Dubillier capacitors, and Ohmite carbon resistors. Every unit is hand-assembled by skilled engineers in Chile with meticulous attention to detail.

After assembly, each unit undergoes a rigorous 72-hour burn-in process, ensuring flawless performance and reliability for years to come. This commitment to quality makes the Stam MEQP-1A+ a tribute to the legendary Pultec while offering innovative features for modern studio workflows.


  • Pultec EQP-1A Replica
  • Built in MEQ-5 mid band with boost and cut option.
  • Tube and Solid State Output Stage
  • Custom Sowter Input Transformer
  • Custom XL Sowter Inter-stage Transformer
  • Custom Sowter XL Output Transformer
  • Custom 2503 Output Transformer
  • Stam Audio 2520 Op-Amps
  • Carnhill Inductors
  • 2 Premium Tubes
  • 6X4 Tube Rectifier
  • Tube Power Supply
  • Premium Capacitors
  • 115-230 Voltage Selector

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Stam MEQP-1A+ Tube Equaliser

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