The Sony PCM-7050 includes three recorders supported by a wide range of options, giving maximum flexibility to choose the best combination for a particular requirement. All 70000 series recorders conform to the standard DAT format, providing compatibility regardless of manufacturer – including consumer models.
The Sony PCM-7050 does much more than simply provide an economical, space saving alternative to 1/4-inch open reel analogue tape recorders. With their precise electronic editing, video/audio editor interface and many postproduction and on-air facilities, they find applications in many areas of professional audio – from simple recording/playback to audio-follow-video editing, as a program source in CD mastering, for program transmission and in multi-recorder sound effects libraries. PC control is also possible for automation systems.
Combining flexible interfacing and external synchronisation capabilities with memory start and the high speed of search unique to the DAT format, the PCM-7000 Series confidently meet the demands of TV/Radio broadcasting stations and postproduction houses.
Memory Start Function
Approximately three seconds of audio data from around the play start point can be stored in a stereo digital sound memory and this memorised sound is output instantly when the play key is pressed. This eliminates the problem of the output sound being delayed, which is inherent in a rotary head system, and makes the Sony PCM-7050 suitable for on-air applications and sound sweetening in film/video post-production.
The start point can be trimmed precisely using the memory search/rehearsal functions and the trimmed and designated start point rehearsed any number of times. When operating the time code location and start ID and program number search in the memory start mode, the PCM-7000 Series automatically stores the audio data around the locate point for instant playback.
Time Code Capability
Time code conforming to the SMPTE/EBU and FILM formats can be recorded in the subcode area. The use of time code enables the rapid location of the required point on the tape. When the time code reader/generator option is added, such advanced operations as electronic editing, chase synchronisation and conversion between the SMPTE/EBU/FILM and DAT time code formats become possible. Absolute time can also be recorded in the subcode area from the beginning of a tape. When recording consecutive audio segments, continuity of the absolute time across the segments is assured.
External Synchronisation
Using the digital 1/0 and the time code reader/generator options provides the important advantage of external synchronisation in audio-follow-video applications. The Sony PCM-7050 can be locked to a variety of reference signals, ranging from SMPTE (drop frame or non-drop frame) and EBU time codes to video reference signals in the form of composite video, composite sync or black burst signals. In a configuration without video machines, synchronisation can be achieved via the word clock (sampling rate) from a professional digital audio system.
On the PCM-7050/7030 fitted with the time code reader/generator option, chase synchronisation is implemented in two modes: the normal and the re-chase modes. In the normal mode, the recorder returns to normal playback after having locked to the incoming time code. In the re-chase mode, the recorder continues to chase, making it possible to maintain synchronisation even when the master recorder is placed in the FF/REW mode or variations have occurred in the master time code. The sync offset time can be adjusted over a range of ± 12 hours to an accuracy of 1/80 frame.
General Purpose Interfacing Facility
The Series offers two types of parallel remote interfaces. The 37-pin connector provides connection to the RM-D7100 remote controller or to a synchroniser for remote control of transport functions. The DIN 8-pin connector accepts fader start/stop signals, making recorder control possible from a mixing console.
Comprehensive Serial Remote Control
The PCM-7050 and the PCM-7030 are equipped with a 9-pin serial remote connector for convenient control from external equipment; the RM-D7300 editing controller for precise editing (1ms), Sony video editors, including the BVE-9100 and RM-450, for audio-follow-video editing in sound sweetening applications and with the Sony digital audio editor DAE-3000 (with the DABK-3005 interface unit) to provide the program source material in CD mastering. For the convenience of computer-controlled automation in a multi-recorder configuration, all PCM-7050/7030/7010 recorders can feature an optional RS-232C connector.
Subcode Recording
Subcodes such as start/skip/end IDs and program numbers can be written, and erased at will, without affecting the recorded time code and audio data with the PCM-7000 Series and the PCM-7050/7030 under the RM-D7300 control. A convenient renumbering function for program numbers is also provided. Unique to the PCM-7C)10, the date function makes it possible to index each recording with time and date information.
Search/Locate Function
A variety of search/locate functions make it easy and quick to locate recorded programs.
- Time Code Locate: Any time code address on the tape can be located quickly using the LOCATE key and search dial on all three recorders. With the connected to an RM-D7300 editing controller, the LOCATE key and numeric keys of the controller can also be used for selection of a locate point. During time code location, the tape is automatically wound or rewound to either the exact location or the locate point minus two seconds. Selection between these two alternatives is made on the RM-D7300.
- Cueing: Cueing (shuttle function) is performed at x 16, x 8, x 3, x 1, x 1/2 or x 1/5 normal speed (cue mode of the PCM-7050/7030), or at x 8, x 3, x 1 or x 1/2 normal speed (PCM-7010) by rotating the search dial.
- Start ID search: At the touch of the NEXT or PREVIOUS key, the tape is rapidly wound or rewound to the next or previous start ID. If a more distant start ID is to be accessed, either key can be pressed the number of times which corresponds to the start IDs that have to be skipped.
- Program number and end ID locate: The tape is rapidly wound or rewound to the program number or end ID designated by rotating the search dial.
- Blank search: The blank point where no audio Signal is recorded can be automatically searched, and then the machine automatically locates two seconds prior to the blank point.
RAW (Read-After-Write) and RAW (Read-Modify-Write)
Designed with a rotary 4-head system, the PCM-7000 Series recorders provide two recording modes, RAW (Read-After- Write) and RMW (Read-Modify-Write). In the RAW mode, real-time monitoring of the recording is provided. In the RAW mode, the PCM-7000 Series allows enhanced punch IN and punch OUT operation. Digital audio data can be electronically crossfaded at punch IN and punch OUT points.
Variable-Speed Playback
The precision-controlled transport of the PCM-700o Series allows the playback speed to be varied over the range of ± 12.5% in C). 10/0 steps (internal sync mode) or ± 12.4% in 0.2% steps (video sync mode).
Input Signal Level Control
Both analogue and digital input level can be adjusted. On a PCM-7050 fitted with a DABK-7055 or a PCM-7010, the range is to +12.0dB in the digital domain.
Variable-Speed Recording
The Sony PCM-7050 is capable of variable-speed recording over the range of in 0.1 % steps, which is effective in using a consumer model as a dubbing master which has no capability of external synchronisation and producing films and HD (High Definition) programs.
Informative Screen
A distinctive FL display keeps the operator informed of operating status, with stereo peak program meters and full indication of the sampling frequency in use, time code format and address, etc. An error message also appears on this display when the alarm lamp is lit. The display mode can be easily switched with the search dial and dial menu keys to show various data setting.
Compact Reliability
With the use of the RMM-31 rack mount adaptor, the Series can be mounted in a 19-inch standard rack, taking 3U of space. The tape is loaded from the front and driven stably by a precision 4-motor direct-drive mechanism placed under the control of accurate servo electronics. Furthermore, the adoption of an illuminated cassette compartment with a transport shutter makes it easy to check the tape motion.
Assured Audio Quality
Designed with the technical expertise of Sony, a world leader in digital audio, and using the most up-to-date devices, the Sony PCM-7050 is a perfect match for the quality requirements of professional applications. Error correction is based on the powerful double-encoded RSC (Reed Solomon Code) combined with a sophisticated decoding circuit.
Unmatched Economy
The Series brings economy – whatever the application. Equipment costs are low and so are media costs. At 73 x 54 x 10.5 mm (2 x 7/16 inches), the DAT tape is about half the size of the standard audio cassette but holds up to two hours of 16-bit linear stereo digital audio data, resulting in a remarkable reduction in tape running costs and enormous savings in a storage space.
Precise DAT Editing
A DAT editing system, comprising a PCM-7050 (with the DABK-7030/7055), a PCM-7030 (with the DABK-7030/7031) and an RM-D7300 editing controller, gives fully electronic editing with the convenience of memory search/rehearsal. A 16 Mbit stereo digital memory, controlled by a search dial (memory jog’), enables speedy and precise determination of the edit IN/OUT points. Memory rehearsal can be repeated any number of times for fine adjustment of the edit points before executing an automatic edit.
Each edit point can be electronically crossfaded. The crossfade time is variable in 1ms steps in a range up to 999ms. The preroll time (5 to 59s) and postroll time (2 to 59s) can be adjusted in 1 second steps. The 1 ms (‘/30 DAT frame) editing accuracy of this system is higher than that of analogue splice editing.
Additionally, the high editing accuracy of this system can be combined with its crossfade capability, making it possible to remove noise by spot erasure. When two PCM-7030 recorders, fitted with the DABK-7030/7031, are remotely controlled from the RM-D7300, the editing accuracy is 1 frame but without the crossfade facility. In all editing applications, efficiency is dramatically improved by the extraordinary search speed of DAT recorders.
Ideal Audio Sources for Video Editing Systems
Sony video editors, including the BVE-9100/2000, connected via the 9-pin remote interface give comprehensive control of the transport functions of the Sony PCM-7050 (with the DABK-7030) and the PCM-7030 (with the DABK-7030/7031) for two-machine editing with a VTR. Under BVE-9100/2000 control, a PCM-7050/7030 performs enhanced audio-follow-video editing with the same editing precision as DAT editing.
Ideal Program Sources for CD Mastering Systems
The Sony PCM-7050/7030, connected to the Sony digital audio editor DAE-3000 (with the DABK-3005 interface unit) via its 9-pin remote interface connector, functions as a player in a CD mastering system. Transport functions of the Sony PCM-7050 (with the DABK-7030) or the PCM-7030 (with the DABK-7030/7031) are comprehensively controlled from the DAE-3000. The AES/EBU digital audio playback signals from the 7030 are electronically edited and digitally recorded onto the 3/4-inch CD mastering tape. DAT handling convenience and superb audio quality make it the ideal source material for CD mastering.