Sonic Farm Creamliner

Sonic Farm Creamliner III Pentode Line Preamplifier

The Sonic Farm Creamliner III functions as a stereo line signal conditioner, with the primary objective of enhancing the audio quality of digital stereo busses and digital PA boards. This is achieved by directing the signal through a pentode, and optionally, through the output transformer if chosen.

Sonic Farm Creamliner III Pentode Line Preamplifier Details

Certainly, while plugins can be employed to tackle the concern of “digitalitis,” Sonic Farm Creamliner III truly sets itself apart from the rest by delivering tangible results. It refrains from introducing muddled low-mid frequencies, diminished highs, or any nasal or harsh qualities in the high-mid range. Instead, you experience a nuanced yet transformative adhesive influence that imparts an enhanced organic quality to your mix. For further information, refer to the manual.

Four tactile switches offer versatile functionality: line selection, tube drive attenuation, output choice between solid-state balanced and transformer, and true bypass. In scenarios where two mixers need to be interconnected, a FOH engineer can seamlessly alternate between them using the line selector.

The tube attenuator switch allows a reduction of tube driving by 6dB while automatically compensating the output, ensuring a consistent listening level. The inclusion of detented pots with 41 individual notches is now a standard feature, streamlining rapid recall. The middle position of these pots, calibrated at “noon,” corresponds to a 0dB gain setting, preserving audio levels when bypassing.

Both channels are influenced by the tube mode switch. The pentode mode aligns output levels with the triode mode, simplifying the process of evaluating and comparing triode, pentode, and bypass configurations. The outcome manifests as a warmer and harmoniously “glued” stereo soundstage, marked by a discernible refinement in the smoothness of the high frequencies—typically an area of concern with digital mixing boards.

Sonic Farm Creamliner III has proven its mettle on the road with acclaimed artists such as Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Kenny Chesney, Beyonce, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, The Who, and numerous others. Its performance has been exceptional, securing a permanent place within FOH racks. Moreover, it has garnered favour in various mastering facilities, where its bonding and tape-like effects are relied upon to bestow masters with an elevated, more sophisticated quality.


  • Operating level: +4dBu
  • Frequency response: 10Hz-50kHz
  • Maximum gain: 20dB
  • Harmonic distortion: <2% before clipping level, quickly decreases if driven less.
  • Maximum output level: 32dBu
  • Minimum output load: 600Ohm

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Sonic Farm Creamliner III Pentode Line Preamplifier

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