Sonic Farm Beamer

Sonic Farm Beamer Pentode Preamplifier

The Sonic Farm Beamer Pentode Preamplifier is a harmonious fusion of the Sonic Farm Creamer and Sonic Farm Berliner, amalgamating one channel from each.

Sonic Farm Beamer Pentode Preamplifier Details

A divine offering for engineers and producers aspiring to encapsulate unparalleled tonal versatility within a single apparatus, Sonic Farm Beamer stands as an answer to their prayers. Featuring two remarkable yet distinct tube channels, it guarantees exceptional outcomes across various recording scenarios.

While Channel 1 imparts the captivatingly intricate sweetness reminiscent of Berliner, the Creamer side capitalises on its feedback-free gain stage to deliver utmost harmonic embellishment, all while maintaining pristine clarity and avoiding any semblance of muddiness.

Both channels of the Sonic Farm Beamer feature an instrument (DI) input. In the standard version, XLR Line inputs and input line transformers are omitted.

However, in the case of Sonic Farm Beamer, the inclusion of line inputs proves remarkably advantageous. They offer a pathway for balanced line signals to traverse the preamp, infusing recorded tracks with a touch of colour.

For an inventive application, consider plugging a microphone into Channel 1, routing the signal through a compressor, and subsequently channelling the compressed signal into the second channel.

Engaging the pentode mode on the second channel and driving it slightly below the threshold of clipping yields an intensely saturated, dynamically charged sound poised on the edge of eruption. This technique can yield particularly striking results when applied to rock or blues vocals.


  • Switchable input impedance (for mic input only): 900Ohm, 10kOhm, 2.4kOhm
  • Instrument (DI) input impedance: 3.9MOhm (Berliner side) and 2.2MOhm (Creamer side)
  • Output mode: Transformer or solid state balanced driver
    Low/high frequency shelving boost, corner frequency varies (see manuals)
  • Frequency response: 10Hz-50kHz +/- 3dB
  • Maximum gain: 76dB/50dB (mic/instrument), Berliner side; 74dB/48db (mic/instrument), Creamer side
  • Gain control range (Berliner side only): 36.7dB (for mic input, Pad switch adds another 10dB)
  • Harmonic distortion: <1% before clipping level (Berliner), <2% (Creamer), quickly decreases if driven less.
  • Maximum output level: 32dBu
  • Minimum output load: 600Ohm

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Sonic Farm Beamer Pentode Preamplifier

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