Roland DM-80

Roland DM-80 Multi-Track Disk Recorder

The Roland DM-80 is an affordable mufti track recorder system for tapeless recording. It is a complete music production system that provides comprehensive control over recording, playback and editing operations.

Roland DM-80 Multi-Track Disk Recorder Details

The basic Roland DM-80 system offers simultaneous 4-track recording with superb sound quality at every stage, and a built-in SCSI interface that enables connection of external hard disks or magnetic optical disks to extend recording time. An optional hardware expansion kit doubles the number of tracks to eight, while a standard expanded unit equipped with eight tracks is also available.

Full random-access capability enables convenient sequencer-like song arrangement and editing while conserving memory. The DM-80 also offers 24-bit digital mixing capability, which can be further facilitated using an optional fader unit.

The Roland DM-80 accommodates SMPTE, MIDI time code, and MIDI tempo clock, so it can be synchronised with video machines, mufti track recorders, and sequencers. These versatile features along with easy operation make the DM-80 perfect for a broad range of professional digital recording applications including post-production facilities. A full line up of systems is available to support these applications, including a Macintosh-based Track Manager System for comprehensive control of a multi-unit Roland DM-80 system.

DM-80 Multi Track Recorder System Line up

  • DM-80-4: Rackmount hard disk recorder unit for simultaneous 4-track recording
  • DM-80-8: Rackmount hard disk recorder unit for simultaneous 8-track recording
  • DM-80-R: Remote controller for the DM-80-4/8
  • DM-80-F: Fader unit that allows direct control of the built-in mixing function of the DM-80-4/8
  • DM-80-E: Expansion kit for the DM-80-4 upgrades it to a DM-80-8 equivalent system
  • DM-80-S: Track Manager System software for the Macintosh computer
  • IB-I: MIDI/DM Buss Interface box


Simultaneous 4-track recording/playback and approximately 18 minutes of digital recording
The basic Roland DM-80 system consists of a rack unit (DM-80-4) with a built-in 100 Mbyte hard disk and input/output facilities, and a remote unit (DM-80-R) with a large display and versatile controls for user-friendly operation. The recording data format is 16-bit linear; A/D conversion is 16-bit, D/A conversion is 20-bit, and internal processing is 24-bit, surpassing conventional standards of digital processing.

Three selectable sampling rates are available: 32kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48kHz, and up to approximately 18 minutes of CD-quality digital recording is possible at 44.1kHz. The DM-80 is capable of simultaneous recording and playback, just like on multitrack tape recorders. And since the DM-80 features full random-access capability, portions of tracks without recorded data do not consume memory, so the effective playback time is substantially more than 18 minutes.

Additional memory storage devices easily extend recording time
The DM-80-4 is equipped with three separate SCSI ports. The SCSI-A port enables recording time to be extended by allowing up to SIX external devices to be connected for a maximum of 4 GBytes (The extended recording time depends on the memory capacity of the connected device.)

Expandable to eight tracks
An optional expansion kit (DM-80-E) consisting of a 100 Mbyte hard disk, an analogue/digital PCB and additional input/output connectors is available to increase the number of tracks on the basic Roland DM-80-4 system. When this kit is installed, the Roland DM-80-4 is capable of 8-track hard disk recording. This kit also includes an additional SCSI connector exclusively for data transmission of tracks five through eight. The Roland DM-80-8 canes equipped for 8-track recording. and features corresponding 1/0 connectors and four SCSI ports.

Full data input/output facilities
The DM-80-4 features four analogue inputs, analogue stereo Mix Out (UR) and four analogue direct Outs corresponding to tracks one through four All analogue input/outputs are through 1/4″ balanced stereo phone jacks and accommodate pro-level +4dBm signals with the exception of the Click Out jack ‘Much is a 1/4″ unbalanced mono phone jack.

A digital (coaxial: AES/EBU) stereo input and output are also provided. allowing recorded data to be transferred to a DAT or other professional digital recorder or sent to outboard gear such as the Roland E-660 Digital Parametric Equaliser and the R-880 Digital Reverb. for all-digital processing with no degradation in sound quality.

The DW808 (or DM-80-4 with DM-80-E) features extra analogue inputs and direct outs for an additional track, in addition to the digital and analogue input/output facilities furnished on the DM-804_ An extra stereo digital input (coaxial: AES/E31J) equipped with a built-in sampling rate converter is also provided.

Built-in digital mixer
The Roland DM-80 system features a built-in 24-bit digital mixer, allowing flexible control of two-stage EQ, pan. and level of each track as well as the lewd of incoming Signals from external devices. Since all Signal processing is performed in the digital domain, tracks can be bounced with no degradation in sound quality.

The optional DM.80F Fader Unit provides comprehensive control of mixing operations for up to eight tracks simultaneously using faders. Realtime mixing adjustments during song playback can be recorded in the DM•80’s data, so an automatic compu-mix function is available for data playback.

Easy tape-recorder-like operation
Recording on the DM-80 system is a simple matter of selecting a track and pressing the record button. A range of convenient functions to facilitate recording are provided. For instance, Auto Punch In/Out operates in the sane simple manner as a multitrack tape recorder. letting users easily re-record specific passages.

Loop recording allows the user to designate a specific part of the song and loop the playback of that part. Recording Or playback status can be switched while the part looping. so unlike on tape recorder users don’t have to continuously while practicing or recording party.

Another useful feature of Loop recording is that recording can be performed again and again without having to leave record mode Loop-recorded phrases are stored as an individual Take in the DM-80s internal memory and can be easily selected at any time for editing or other operations.

Efficient editing
Editing recorded data on the Roland DM-80 system extremely easy using Cut, Paste, Erase and Move functions. The Auto Locator function allows the user to specify a point in the song and instantly jump to that position when desired— a convenient feature that Significantly reduces the time required for editing. It’s also possible to crossfade different phrases for a unique musical effect.

Data construction similar to a sequencer
In the data construction of the Roland DM-80 system. one recording pass is called a Take From the Take, a Phrase can be designated, which could be a verse, chorus. or just a note. and Phrases can then be linked to form a Song. How the Phrases are linked together is indicated by the Play List. which memorises Much Phrase is played back on which track and at what time – a feature made possible by the DW80’s random access capability.

Phrase data can be looped as long as desired within a Song. For instance, a repeating Phrase such as a backup vocal can be looped like a rhythm pattern on a drum machine The positions for the beginning and the end of each Phrase can be based on other the minute/second playback time, the SMPTE time code. or the bar/beat Ot the song. Using these techniques, it is possible for songs to have a total playback time that exceeds the actual recording time.

Accommodates MIDI and SMPTE time code
The DM-80 accommodates both MIDI and SMPTE time code, enabling synchronisation with a variety of external devices. A convenient tempo controlling function, the Tempo Map, allows the user to program bar/beat tempo information (based on MIDI clock) to correspond with SMPTE time code This provides a more musically oriented reference for editing DM-80 recorded data, and also facilitates synchronisation and editing when using external MIDI devices.

Three input methods are available for programming the Tempo Map: step, tap, and real-time input of incoming MIDI clock information. The position of a sequenced phrase can be edited on the Tempo Map by matching the bar/beat with the desired SMPTE time code position. The DM-80 also incorporates a video sync input to synchronise with colour composite VCR signals.

A range of controls enable easy operation
All Roland DM-80 system operations can be performed using the Roland DM-80-R Remote Unit, which is connected to the rack unit by a specially designed Roland cable. Featuring a large 240 x 64 dot LCD, the DM-80-R provides user-friendly operation using the cursor keys, function keys and dial, with an easy-to read display offering comprehensive confirmation of operations and data status. To further facilitate operations, the remote unit is provided with a Jack for connecting a PC keyboard.

Other Roland DM-80 optional units such as the DM-80-F Fader Unit and Track Manager System software further facilitate operations. The DM-80-F Fader Unit provides faders and pan controls for comprehensive level and pan control of all tracks simultaneously Faders are also provided for level control of Aux inputs, both analogue and digital.

This is especially useful for automated mixdown operations The Track Manager System software (DM-80-S) for the Macintosh computer enables up to four Roland DM-80 recorder units to be connected through the MIDI interface and IB-I combination for a maximum of 32 recording tracks and comprehensive visual confirmation of multi-unit operations.


  • Internal data storage:
    • DM-80-4: 100MB HD x 1
    • DM-80-8, DM-80-4 w/DM-80-E: 100MB HD x 2
  • Sampling rate: 32kHz. 44.1kHz, 48kHz
  • Data format: 16-bit linear
  • Signal processing:
  • A/D/A conversion:
    • A/D: 16-bit
    • D/A: 20-bit
  • Digital mixer: 24-bit (2 band EQ, Pan, Level, Input Level
  • Data synchronisation: SMPTE time code MIDI time code MIDI clock
  • Dimensions: 482(W) x 400(D) x 179(H) mm
  • Weight:
    • DM-80-4: 135 kg
    • DM-80-8, DM-80-4 w/DM-80-E: 155 kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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