By Stephen Parsick
I had a white-face DRP-20 for many years, and even though I really loved its huge-sounding reverb ambiences (and I mean *huge*), I decided to part with it because its noise level was really annoying. There was a constant hiss, running reverb tails through an RSP Hush 2000 would help with shorter reverbs, long reverb tails would sooner or later start to flutter.
The build quality is quite good although I encountered problems with sticky keys and erratic enconcers — I am sure the Dynacord people would refurbish one for you if you are prepared to send it to them. Programming is easy and straightforward, combining various different types of delays and reverbs makes for some really rich sonic palette. Now if there weren’t that noise problem… the Cathedral algorithm run through a Dimension D was simply stunning, and I confess I really miss that.