Panasonic SV-4100

Panasonic SV-4100 Professional DAT Recorder

Based on the popular Panasonic SV-3700, the Panasonic SV-4100 offers flexible search and locate, as well as 5-mode external sync functions.

Panasonic SV-4100 Professional DAT Recorder Details

The quick start features of the Panasonic SV-4100 provides sound right on cue – almost instantly after a play command is executed – thanks to 8bit memory holding about 5 seconds of audio data. Conventional DAT recorders lag about 0.7 seconds, often making them unsuitable for some professional applications.

You can easily adjust the Quick Start position and specify it by A-time (TIME input or LOCATE button), start ID, or PNO. Recording via Quick Start mode is also possible. So, two Panasonic SV-4100s can be used for frame-accurate punch-in/punch-out and assemble editing.

High Precision Trimming
With this RAM stereo scrubbing facility, you can adjust the Quick Start position with 1-frame (30ms) resolution over a range of +/- 50 frames. Start position can be set as a relative frame vale from the present position. And you can use the SHUTTLE dial and SETTING (SKIP) key for adjustment. Absolute time, subcodes and peak level are displayed to provide a general guide to positioning. Frame number is preceded by a + or – sign.

Rehearsal Playback
Without playing the tape itself, you can monitor the level of stored data to check your Quick Start position. This preview capability is handy before actual editing or on-air play. Repeated play is also possible, using about 1.5 seconds of the data – it creates a kind of sampler effect. Since the display shows replay with meter indications, A-time, frame number and IDs synchronised with the audio data retrieved from memory, you can confirm locations by eye as well as by ear.

Frame-Accurate Indexing
Using the Trim and Rehearsal functions, you can accurately determine points to write Start and Skip IDs. Of course, these IDs can be written, rewritten or erased at any point in the recording, and automatically renumbered.

Frame-Accurate Assemble Editing
With two Panasonic SV-4100 recorders connected via the 8-pin parallel remote-control terminals, you can perform synchronised frame-accurate editing. Continuity of edit points can be checked by rehearsal playback. If you enter an editing end position in one of the LOCATE buttons, that can be used to determine a punch-out point as well.

A-Time Search
If you know your target A-time, then accessing it is easy and accurate. You can specify hour, minute, second and frame. Press PAUSE for search and pause or PLAY for search and play.

Locate 1 to 4, Last
In most modes, the currently displayed A-time can be assigned to one of the four LOCATE buttons. Then, from stop, pause or play, you can rapidly cue to any of these four addresses by pressing its LOCATE key. In addition, LOCATE LAST takes you to the most recent Quick Start A-time data position.

Skip Search and PNO Search
Searching is also possible by Start-ID or program number. You can have the Panasonic SV-4100 shift to the Quick Start Trim mode after pausing at the end of the search, allowing you to adjust the position with frame accuracy.

5-Mode External Synch
External sync is essential for many applications such as video postproduction and stereo submix recording. It assures uniformity of timing between different equipment, so that the audio data consistently matches up with the target media. On the Panasonic SV-4100 you can select from three VIDEO external sync modes (25, 29.97 and 30) or use WORD SYNC or DIGITAL DATA modes (which lock to the input sampling frequency). The EXT SYNC setting can be displayed and selected with a single key.

Enhanced Sound Quality
The Panasonic SV-4100 is designed to satisfy the highest professional expectations in terms of both sound quality and functionality. It features new 20-bit equivalent resolution DACs, together with the same type of 1-bit, 64 times oversampling A/D converter used in the SV-3700 and SV-3900 DAT recorders.

Multiple Digital Interfaces
Industry standard digital I/O facilities are provided as standard: AES/EBU professional format and IEC 958 consumer format. For compatibility with non-standard digital audio equipment, the Panasonic SV-4100 lets you select from four digital output combinations.

Other Pro-Quality Controls and Facilities
Use GPI for simple triggering of Quick Start play. The 8-Pin parallel remote terminal connects to another DAT deck, computer or wired remote. An infrared wireless remote is also supplied. Handy function plays program to next ID, then stops until play key is pressed again. Can also be set to automatically skip unneeded space on tape. Analog output can be adjusted for level compatibility with other equipment and stored for instant recall.

Other Features

  • Error rate display
  • Selectable ID6 value for SCMS
  • Hour Meter Display
  • Selectable sampling rate
  • Shuttle wheel with dual speed range
  • 250 times normal speed search
  • Digital fade-in/fade out


  • System: Rotary head DAT
  • Recording Fs:
    • 48Khz & 44.1Khz (analogue & digital)
    • 32Khz (digital input only)
  • Playback Fs: 48Khz – 44.1Khz – 32Khz
  • Quantising: 16bit linear
  • Channels: 2
  • Frequency Response:
    • 10Hz…22Khz (48Khz fs, ± 0,5dB)
    • 10Hz…20Khz (44.1Khz fs, ± 0,5dB)
  • S/N ratio: > 92dB (DIN)
  • Dynamic Range: > 92dB (DIN)
  • THD:
    • < 0,05% (1Khz; +4dBu)
    • < 0,007% (1Khz; +22dBu)
  • Wow & flutter: Unmeasurable
  • Dimensions: 430mm x 122mm x 315mm
  • Weight: 6,4kg.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Panasonic SV-4100 Professional DAT Recorder

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