Vintage Analogue Effects

September 7, 2019

Vintage Analogue Effects

OK, we know, we are Vintage Digital not vintage analogue, but…There are so many classic effects in the analogue world as well, and rather than build another website, we are adding in these vintage analogue effects to our existing site.

We have started by re-creating the front panels of the MXR Model 126 Flanger/Doubler, however information for this unit is thin on the ground so if you have a copy of the user manual etc that we could pull some info from that would great, please contact us!

360 Systems Model 2800

From there we moved onto re-creating the dbx front panels, with their classic range of compressor limiters, including the legendary dbx 160, dbx 162, dbx 165 and dbx 165A. The front panels of these units are such unique designs and were a lot of fun to re-create, hard long work, but fun.

DBX 165

Dates for all of these machines is a little sketchy to say the least, so once again if you are able to provide detailed dates for their release please contact us!