Aphex Aural Exciter & 360 Systems EQ

July 26, 2020

Aphex Aural Exciter & 360 Systems EQ

We recently added two new brands to the Vintage Digital website, Aphex and 360 Systems. The Aphex Aural Exciter is a studio classic from the 1970s and although 360 Systems were new to us, their programmable equalizer looks very interesting and quite ahead of it’s time in it’s day. Check them out and see what you think.

Aphex Aural ExciterAphex Aural Eciter

360 Systems Model 2800360 Systems Model 2800 Programmable Equalizer

Over the coming months, we will continue to add new content to Vintage Digital. We have more reverbs on the way to our office to do tests and sampling their sounds to add to the site as well. So keep an eye out for these new additions coming real soon!