MOTU 112D Audio Interface

The MOTU 112D is a digital audio interface with 112 channels, offering Thunderbolt, AVB Ethernet, and USB 2.0 connectivity. It features 24 AES/EBU, 24 ADAT optical, and 64 MADI I/O channels with ultra-low latency and advanced routing. The built-in 48-channel digital mixer and flexible format conversion make it ideal for professional studio and live use.

MOTU 112D Audio Interface Details

The MOTU 112D is a versatile digital audio interface that seamlessly integrates with your computer via ultra-fast Thunderbolt technology, AVB Ethernet, or class-compliant high-speed USB 2.0, ensuring compatibility with USB 3.0 and iOS devices. This interface offers an impressive 112 channels of simultaneous digital audio input and output, comprising 24 channels of AES/EBU, 24 channels of ADAT optical, and 64 channels of MADI I/O. All input and output channels are active concurrently, providing a total of 224 simultaneous digital audio channels.

Serving as a flexible 64-channel MADI interface, router, and converter, the MOTU 112D facilitates near-zero latency and offers versatile routing and splitting to and from the AVB network, computer, AES/EBU, and optical formats. It supports both 64-channel and 56-channel MADI at standard sample rates, along with 32 channels at double rates and 16 channels at quadruple rates.

The MOTU 112D includes three 8-channel D-sub connectors, delivering 24 channels of AES/EBU digital I/O at sample rates up to 96 kHz. Additionally, three 8-channel ADAT banks provide 24 channels of optical I/O at rates up to 48 kHz. At higher sample rates of 88.2 or 96 kHz, all six ADAT banks support 4-channel SMUX operation, maintaining 24 channels of optical I/O at these elevated rates.

With its intuitive routing grid, the MOTU 112D allows users to direct any input to any output or multiple outputs with a single click. This includes routing to and from the computer, as well as any devices on the AVB network, enabling seamless format conversion between various digital audio standards.

Designed for ultra-low I/O latency, the MOTU 112D ensures that audio signals are processed with minimal delay. Latency is measured in just a handful of samples, from the moment an audio signal arrives at an input to its delivery at an output, mixer, network, or computer. This minimal latency helps reduce any additional delay introduced by host software, ensuring real-time performance.

The inclusion of Thunderbolt technology provides plug-and-play convenience with substantial bandwidth, offering 256 channels of computer I/O (128 inputs and 128 outputs). This capacity allows routing audio to the physical inputs and outputs on the MOTU 112D, the internal 48-channel mixer, and audio network streams. Notably, the MOTU 112D is the first interface to combine Thunderbolt connectivity with MADI and AVB audio networking.

For users without Thunderbolt-equipped computers, the MOTU 112D offers high-speed USB 2.0 connectivity, ensuring broad compatibility with most laptops and desktops. Being USB audio class compliant, it provides OS-level support, including compatibility with iPad devices (using a camera connection kit). Since USB 2.0 devices are compatible with USB 3.0 hosts, the 112D represents a future-proof investment for any studio setup.

Equipped with a 48-channel digital mixer, the MOTU 112D emulates the design of large-format mixing consoles. These 48 inputs can source signals from the interface’s physical inputs, audio channels from host software, audio network streams, or even mixer outputs. The mixer offers seven stereo auxiliary buses, three groups, and a reverb bus that can alternatively function as a fourth group, providing extensive mixing capabilities for both studio and live sound applications.

Mac System Requirements

  • Intel Core i3 Mac or faster (including the new Apple silicon Macs)
  • 2 GB RAM; 4 GB or more recommended
  • Mac OS X version 10.8 or later
  • Available Thunderbolt, USB 2.0 or AVB Ethernet port*
  • A large hard drive (at least 500 GB for recording)
  • *AVB Ethernet audio interface operation requires OS X Yosemite

Windows System Requirements

  • 1 GHz Pentium-based PC compatible or faster
  • 2 GB RAM; 4 GB or more recommended
  • Windows 7*, 8 or 10
  • Available USB 2.0 or 3.0 port
  • Available Ethernet port for firmware updates
  • A large hard drive (at least 500 GB for recording)


  • Sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192 kHz
  • Digital I/O: 3 x 8-channel banks (24 channels) of ADAT optical at 1x sample rates, 6 x 4-channel banks (24 channels) of SMUX optical at 2x sample rates, 3 x 8-channel banks (24 channels) of AES/EBU on 25-pin D-sub, 1 x BNC MADI in/out (64/56 channels at 1x, 32 channels at 2x, 16 channels at 4x)
  • Total I/O: 112 inputs and 112 outputs (224 total) at 1x sample rates, 80 inputs and 80 outputs (160 total) at 2x sample rates, 16 inputs and 16 outputs (32 total) at 4x sample rates
  • Computer I/O: 1 x Thunderbolt (compatible with Thunderbolt 1 and 2), 1 x USB 2.0 audio class compliant (USB 3.0 and iOS compatible), 1 x AVB Ethernet (requires OS X Yosemite)
  • Computer I/O channels (Thunderbolt): 128 in/out at 44.1 to 96 kHz, 64 in/out at 176.4 to 192 kHz
  • Computer I/O channels (USB 2.0): 64 in/out at 44.1 to 48 kHz, 32 in/out at 88.2 to 96 kHz, 24 in/out at 176.4 to 192 kHz
  • Computer I/O channels (AVB Ethernet): 16 to 128 in/out, depending on host computer speed
  • Sync I/O: 1 x word clock in, 1 x word clock out / thru
  • Network I/O: 1 x RJ45 AVB/TSN Ethernet (1 Gbps)
  • AVB streams (8 channels per stream): 16 in / 16 out at 44.1 or 48 kHz, 16 in / 16 out at 88.2 or 96 kHz, 8 in / 8 out at 176.4 or 192 kHz
  • Power supply: International 100-240V autoswitching, 50-60 Hz, 0.5A max
  • Dimensions: 483mm x 177.5mm x 45mm
  • Weight: 1.95 kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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MOTU 112D Audio Interface

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