Mackie HDR24/96

Mackie HDR24/96 Multitrack Digital Recorder

The accuracy of 24-bit recording and the flexibility of workstation editing – without the high cost and complication, that is what the Mackie HDR24/96 Multitrack Digital Recorder offered to potential recording enthusiasts.

Mackie HDR24/96 Multitrack Digital Recorder Details

Until of the Mackie HDR24/96 Multitrack Digital Recorder, whatever you recorded on a hard disk recorder or workstation was usually stuck inside. Storing, transporting or just changing projects meant a tedious transfer to Jaz® or magneto-optical disk. With the Mackie HDR24/96 you simply pop in a Mackie Media M-60 cartridge and start recording. When you change projects, just change cartridges and put the first one back in its case and back on the shelf (or record to the internal drive and use the pull-out for ultra-fast back-up). Convenient pull-out 24-track media also beats the oxide off of having to deal with three separate tape cassettes.

Editing aside, the Mackie HDR24/96’s detailed SVGA display is a fantastic tool in itself. It duplicates every front panel control and features true scrolling tracks that you can view in groups of 24, 12, 8, 4 or 2. Transport section includes Rehearse, AutoPlay from locate recall, Scrub, Shuttle at 2x to 8x and 1/2 to 1/8 speed, All Input, Repro, Input and All Safe modes. Toggling meter bridge display shows 24 tracks with peak hold and dBf/dBu options.

The unspeakably cool part of hard disk recording is being able to manipulate tracks. Slide, chop, group and cross fade them. Copy the chorus. Tweak the verse. And then go back and do it all again…because every action is non-destructive and you have 999 levels of “undo.” You’ll find that your creativity and productivity are boosted by a factor of ten. Gone are the days of sweating over on-the-fly punch-ins and punch-outs that you have to live with once they’re made.

Now you can zoom right in to the waveform level, scrub back and forth and find the exact point you want for the punch-in or edit. This level of precision used to mean spending $10,000+ on a computer-based workstation (or $50,000+ on a dedicated system). Now you can have it without even having to tie up your computer. Built right into the Mackie HDR24/96 are all the features you need for music production including…

Regions and Super Regions. You can audition or modify their start and end points instantly, capture a region and turn it into another track, or replace multiple regions with a new one. They can be cross faded, grouped, sliced and diced. Unlimited cue points with looping and auto punch-in mode. Cue points are visible on screen or can be accessed from the side list that includes History, Groups and Regions.

Track grouping. Lock related tracks (such as drum or background vocals) together and manipulate them as one track. Quantisation. Define a timeline and then “snap” your edits, moves and inserts precisely to these points.

Time Bar with user defined resolution (sample,1/4 frame, msec, second, BBT); Punch, Loop, Cue and Tempo Change markers; Snap function; Zoom arrows; Locate; Punch In/Out, Auto Punch, Open End, PreLoop and Post-Loop functions. Okay, we’ll stop with the jargon. You get the idea. The Mackie HDR24/96 is a serious digital workstation disguised as a mild-mannered hard disk recorder. With a rich, but nongarish visual interface that you won’t mind staring at for hours on end. You don’t need an extra computer. You don’t need to spend megabucks. Visit your Mackie dealer for a demonstration of how the Mackie HDR24/96 can boost your creativity.

Mackie HDR24/96 Features

  • Use with ANY analogue or digital console
  • Integrates seamlessly with d8b for extra functionality
  • 24 tracks- 192 virtual tracks (48kHz) for up to 90 minutes of continuous recording
  • Built-in internal hard disk plus pullout bay for extra removable Mackie Media™ hard drives
  • Mouse, keyboard and monitor ports built in…NO EXTERNAL COMPUTER NEEDED!
  • On-screen graphic interface mirrors front controls and meter bridge
  • Full-feature editing software built – in
  • Non-destructive cut, copy and paste
  • 999 undo’s with real time history list
  • Continuously scrolling track waveforms
  • 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x & 24x track displays
  • Drag and drop crossfades and rack slip
  • Instant drawing and fade in and fade out
  • 8-channel I/O cards can be mixed and matched- no converter boxes needed.
  • Choose from all Digital 8· Bus cards including analogue, ADAT, TDIF, and AES/EBU
  • Sync to SMPTE or MIDI
  • Internal Word Clock, SMPTE, NTSC and PAL Black Burst Sync built-in!
  • Sample accurate sync of multiple HDR24/96s
  • 100 Base-T Ethernet Port built – in
  • 3.5-inch drive bay for importing tempo maps and software upgrades
  • Optional remotes available: Remote 24 and Remote 48
  • Monitor not included


  • Frequency response: 2 Hz to 22 kHz±0.5dB
  • Harmonic distortion: 0.00001%
  • Dynamic range: 144dB digital / 106dB analog
  • Adjacent channel crosstalk:  -90dBu
  • Quantisation: 24-bit
  • Sample rates: 44.1 kHz/48 kHz/88.2 kHz/96 kHz
  • Internal CPU: 433 MHz Intel® Celeron® w/ 128k internal L2 cache memory
  • SVGA out: ATI® Rage™ Pro AGP w/8 MB RAM 1024×758 pixels, 60Hz refresh rate
  • Internal RAM: 128 MB PC66 SDRAM
  • Ethernet throughput: 100MB/sec.
  • Internal Capacity: 5 20+ Gig <90 minutes
  • Mackie M•90 Media Capacity: 520+ Gig <90 minutes
  • Hard disk seek time: 6 9.5 millisecond
  • Hard disk throughput: 6 295 megabits/sec.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

Mackie HDR24/96
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Mackie HDR24/96 Multitrack Digital Recorder

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