Lexicon 480L

Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System

For many engineers, the Lexicon 480L is the pinnacle of digital reverbs and has never been bettered, not by Lexicon or anyone else. The Lexicon 480L came along in 1988 and has remained in place at most studio around the world as it simply cannot be replaced by a plugin according to those who own them and love them.

Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System Details

The Lexicon 480L is engineered for the emerging all – digital production environment. Digital audio places strict requirements on every link in the signal chain, and the Lexicon 480L meets those requirements.

Lexicon 480L LARCWith its unique 18-bit linear A/D and D/A converters, the Lexicon 480L produces a dynamic range of 98 dB in the wet signal path. It is probably the only effects system available that doesn’t raise the noise floor of a digital master. And the PCM 1610/1630 compatible digital I/O interface lets you add true stereo ambience and effects without leaving the digital domain.

The Lexicon 480L doesn’t just sound better – sheer computational power allows it to perform multiple audio tasks at the same time. And what tasks! In the current glut of throwaway digital devices with ever-cheaper versions of the same sounds, the Lexicon 480L offers remarkable new effects and reverb sounds.

Its innovative reverb algorithms reflect a more accurate and natural model of the acoustic and psychoacoustic phenomena of reverb and ambience. Put the Lexicon 480L up against any other reverberator – you’ll be amazed at the difference.

Reverb is only part of the story. The Lexicon 480L produces astonishing affects you haven’t even begun to dream about yet. And its sampling programs offer a variety of useful and unique features.

The present software is powerful and comprehensive, a dramatic step forward in digital signal processing technology. Yet it hasn’t explored the limit of the Lexicon 480L’s architecture, which is itself configured for future hardware expansion.

If you are familiar with the venerable Lexicon 224XL, you’ll feel right at home with the LARC used to control the Lexicon 480L. However, there are enough differences in the way the two units operate that we strongly suggest that you read the manual as soon as possible.

In it, you’ll discover that the Lexicon 480L’s two high speed processors can operate in a variety of configurations. Samples can be processed with reverb or effects, all in the digital domain.

Two Lexicon 480Ls can be connected through their digital I/O ports for even wider creative horizons. The Lexicon 480L can even be connected to a 224XL and both units operated from a single LARC.

In addition to its analogue inputs and outputs, the Lexicon 480L is equipped with a PCM digital I/O connector. One application for digital I/O is processing material from a Sony PCM 1610 or compatible unit. The WET/DRY MIX control in the reverb and effects programs makes it possible for the 480L to add signal processing to a stereo mix; without ever leaving the digital domain.

Another application for digital I/O is to cascade two or more Lexicon 480Ls together to create complex effects, again, without leaving the digital domain. In this application the first Lexicon 480L in the chain supplies word clock for the other units. Set the first unit for internal 48 kHz mode, and the second and subsequent units for external 48 kHz mode.

Drive levels and data format are compatible with the PCM 1610. Sync, pre-emphasis and flag bits are derived from the input bit stream. The 480L may also be interfaced with the Sony 3324 digital multitrack recorder. The 3324 uses a balanced 1610 format, but this is easily accommodated by grounding the low side of each signal line at the 480L interface connector.

Lexicon 480L


  • Audio Inputs (Two)
  • Levels:
    • +6 to +28 dBm; electronically balanced
    • +6 to +28 dBm; unbalanced
  • Impedance: 30 kilohms in parallel with 100 pF
  • Common Mode Rejection Ratio: >40 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  • Connectors: Female XLR
  • Transformer Option: User-installable; Jensen JE-11P-1
  • Audio Outputs (Four)
  • Levels:
    • +6 to +24 dBm transformerless balanced (600 ohms)
    • +6 to +20 dBm unbalanced (600 ohms)
    • Minimum load impedance 150 ohms
  • Impedance: 33 ohms
  • Common Mode Rejection Ratio: >35 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  • Connectors: Male XLR
  • Transformer Option: User-installable; Jensen JE-123-SLPC
  • Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +0.5 dB, -1 dB
  • Dynamic Range: 98 dB typical over temperature range, 22.4 kHz unweighted noise bandwidth
  • Total Harmonic Distortion and Noise:
    • <0.015% @ 1 kHz limit level (+18 dBm unity gain)
    • <0.05% 20 Hz to 20 kHz @ 20 dB below limit level
  • IM Distortion Channel Separation:
    • <0.05% SMPTE IM @ limit level
    • 75 dB @ 1 kHz or >70 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  • Encoding: 18-bit equivalent linear PCM
  • Sampling Rate: 48.0 kHz/44.1 kHz – selectable
  • Dimensions: 483mm x 133mm x 368mm
  • Weight: 10.89kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

Lexicon 480L
User Reviews

Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System User Reviews


By U-Fly Studio

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 90%
Usefullness 100%
Mojo/Funk 95%
Reliability 95%

It is a soft and musical machine. the internal programs are not necessarily prodigious, but as soon as you know the machine, you get fabulous results. always easy to put in a mix. The Hi cut filter is also one of the softest that can be. The Bricasti M7 is rougher, more like a 224. The 480L’s UAD plug is very close, almost equivalent to my hardware machine. just a little more harmonic distortion in the treble of the real 480L.


By Simon Alexander

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 90%
Usefullness 100%
Mojo/Funk 100%
Reliability 95%

Probably like a lot of 480L owners now, I had to wait until one came up at a sensible price but make no mistake about it, it was well worth the wait! while you’re probably thinking, why bother, as plugins are getting so good at emulating the originals at a fraction of the price? I personally believe there is something missing by not having the original hardware in front of you and I’m sure as time goes on, these units will be snatched up by enthusiasts and studios.

The 480 is a legend! I wanted one for years and have no regrets in buying a really nicely presented example. It’s a flip of a coin as to which is better suited from the 480, a 224 or an RMX but I’m certainly am glad I have two of those 3 giants in the Reverb world. The quality of the actual algorithms is breath taking ! I have recently sent separate emails to two Studios that have the 480 and the RMX and asked them to compare both to their Bricasti M7’s… Their response was quite surprising with both the older Reverbs being preferred by clients and engineers.

The U/I on the 480 via the LARC, is very easy to use and the Machine itself is not just a reverb, but a box full of multiple effects that can be split into two separate effect machines and thus having the left input split with the right and effectively having two 480’s on each input, with separate stereo outputs. Having never compared the Classic Cart on the 480 with a 224, I’m not going to say it’s the same, but I’ve heard it’s pretty close and has most of the 224’s presets. I have the 480 plugin and it’s a good reverb, but the 480 just sounds more organic and rich to me. One thing that users will find a little nuisance it’s the noise of the cooling fan, but it’s a small price to pay for such a unique piece of equipment.


By Steve Clark

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 100%
Usefullness 100%
Mojo/Funk 100%
Reliability 100%

The Lexicon 480 is a long lasting old love and will never break. Still in todays time there is no other effect like the 480L. It is smooth and gentle and better than any other reverb ever made. Sure it will be replaced more and more from modern Reverbs in Plug In quality, but all of them have the goal to reach the sound of the original one, the Lexicon 480L.


By Anonymous

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 90%
Usefullness 95%
Mojo/Funk 75%
Reliability 85%

It was extraordinary when it was released, and still today it provides incredible reverb for my mixes some 28 years later. Can plugins sound as good? Not as far as I am concerned, I will keep the 480L until it dies.

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Audio Samples

Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System Audio Samples

There are no samples available at the moment. If you can help, please contact us.


Alternatives to the Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System

Plugin Alternatives

Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System Plugins

Classic Tracks

Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System Used on these Recordings

Purple Rain


Buffalo Stance

Neneh Cherry

Wicked Game

Chris Isaak


The Sugarcubes


The Cranberries

Jagged Little Pill

Alanis Morissette

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Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System

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