Lexicon 224X

Lexicon 224X Digital Reverberator

The Lexicon 224X Digital Reverberator provides high-quality simulation of the acoustics of a variety of architectural spaces and a wide variety of special effects. The Lexicon 224X is an advanced two-in, four-out, all-electronic digital reverberation system. Its clean, natural-sounding reverberation is the result of blending digital audio hardware and software disciplines.

Lexicon 224X Digital Reverberator Details

The Lexicon 224X has the ability to emulate the response of many different kinds of actual spaces, mimic other artificial reverberation devices, and create complex effects with minimal controls. In addition, the Split programs allow the 224X to serve as two separate reverb devices.

The Lexicon 224X is an advanced two-in, four-out, all-electronic digital reverberation system. Its clean, natural-sounding reverberation is the result of blending digital audio hardware and software disciplines.

Lexicon supports ongoing software development, as well as hardware options for the 224X. Program updates or additions are supplied as user-installable read-only memory (ROM) integrated circuits.

With the Lexicon Alphanumeric Remote Console (LARC), a user can precisely and easily control the character of reverberant sound. The LARC simplifies day-to-day operation for both new and experienced users of the Lexicon 224X and offers a tape storage capability.

A user can quickly access reverberation or effects programs, modify the parameters of those programs, and store the modifications in 36 non-volatile memory registers or on audio tape for future use.

The Lexicon 224X is completely modular. Every subassembly in the mainframe can be unplugged and removed for service or exchange. The unit is designed to provide continuous operation with an absolute minimum of maintenance.

This product is the result of years of study and development. Its design incorporates suggestions from knowledgeable equipment users and reflects Lexicon’s long experience in providing superior digital audio equipment to the professional.

Every effort has gone into making the Lexicon 224X and LARC perform to the highest industry standards. The 224X is a sophisticated signal processor, in both its capabilities and control functions. It is much more versatile than other reverberation devices, and the LARC increases its ease of use even further by offering an interactive, prompting interface.

A system of banks, programs and variations, control pages, and registers makes this versatility immediately available, even to inexperienced users. You will find the LARC a powerful and exciting addition to the 224X, and if you are a new 224X user, you will find the LARC an informative, self-prompting interface into the world of digital reverberation. Whether or not you are familiar with the 224X, please read this section to understand how to operate the LARC and 224X.

The 224X digitises incoming signals and processes the digitised signals; it then reconverts the processed signals into analogue for output. Because the modifications to the sound are totally under the control of the 224X’s high-speed processor, which is directed by the LARC and its software, the range of sound is extremely wide.

The 224X has the ability to emulate the response of many different kinds of actual spaces, mimic other artificial reverberation devices, and create complex effects with minimal controls. In addition, the Split programs allow the 224X to serve as two separate reverb devices.

The reverb effects of the Lexicon 224X are organised into five banks as follows:

  • Halls – The Halls bank holds programs with a pronounced sense of large size and acoustic space. These programs lend space and ambience to recordings.
  • Rooms – The Rooms bank holds the Room and Small Room programs, which also have a strong sense of space, but of smaller size than the Hall programs, The Room programs have a very wide range of uses in recording and broadcast. The Rooms bank also holds the Chamber programs, which have fewer size cues than the Halls.
  • Plates – The Plates bank holds programs that have high initial density and a smooth sizeless decay. These programs have a slight metallic tone and are widely used in mixing popular music.
  • Effects – In addition to reverberation programs, the 224X has several powerful special effects programs in the Effects bank that open up a whole new range of exciting possibilities traditionally provided only by other devices.
  • Splits – The Splits bank holds programs that allow the two input channels of the 224X to be processed independently, so entirely different reverberation sounds can be applied to different tracks in a mix.


Each program of the Lexicon 224X has one or more permanent variations. Each variation is a group of permanently set parameters that characterise the program for specific applications. Users can tailor these variations by changing the values of the parameters to suit their own applications and store the new parameter settings in registers for future use.

Changing parameters is accomplished by accessing control pages, which are groupings of variable parameters whose values can be altered by moving the Lexicon 224X LARC’s sliders. Most programs have four or five control pages, with each page holding as many as six variable parameters (corresponding to the LARC’s six sliders).

  • Hall Variations – Concert Hall with 7 variations, Bright Hall with 5 variations and Dark Hall with 7 variations
  • Room Variations – Room with 4 Variations, Small Room with 4 Variations, Chamber, Rich Chamber with 8 Variations, Dark Chamber with 8 Variations and Inverse Room with 3 Variations
  • Plate Variations – Plate with 6 Variations, Small Plate with 6 Variations, Constant Density Plate A, Constant Density Plate B with 3 Variations, Rich Plate with 8 Variations
  • Effects Variations – Chorus & Echo with 4 Variations, Resonant Chords and Multi-Band Delay
  • Split Variations – Hall/Hall, Plate/ Plate with 2 Variations, Plate/Hall, Plate/Chorus, Rich Split


  • Quantisation: Unknown
  • Sampling Frequency: Unknown
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz-15kHz
  • Dynamic Range: 84dB
  • THD: Below 0.04%
  • Dimensions: 483mm x 178mm x 381mm
  • Weight: 15.5kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

User Reviews

Lexicon 224X Digital Reverberator User Reviews

224X…Lexicons Coolest Reverb

By Steve Pagano

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 100%
Usefullness 90%
Mojo/Funk 100%
Reliability 100%

These units have become as rare as hens teeth over the years, and for good reason. Many of this short run of 224X were converted to XL models so the owners were able to use the new and improved LARC found on the 480L. This involved changing out the 25 pin port and EPROMs. Unfortunately, while many considered this an upgrade, that wasn’t really an improvement in sound quality.

If you are looking for the Vengelis Blade Runner/Antartica sound, the original 224 and 224X are what you are looking for. To my ears, the algos changed enough with the XL such that it doesn’t quite have the depth or width of the two earlier models. The 224X shines on ambient music and more classic tracks. It doesn’t have the flexibility of the 480 and 300 series, but those are very different machines.

I am fortunate to own all three versions (224,224X, and 224XL) as well as all of the other big Lexies and delays from that era, and I will most of the time be reaching the the X anytime the piece calls for the reverb character to be a featured part of the music.


By Simon Alexander

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 95%
Usefullness 100%
Mojo/Funk 100%
Reliability 100%

I’m going to start by saying how much I enjoy reading reviews and information on this website. I also have to admit, that over the years I’ve become a self-confessed reverb-aholic and while some of my reverbs I’ve bought from new and had for many years, others are new additions that have finally found a place in my studio after being on the wish list for many years!

I think the Lexicon 224 was the one I’d heard so much about over the years, but I’d never had the opportunity to use and was top of my list to try out and see just how good these really were? Up until recently, rarely did people let them go and I found that most 224’s that come up now, usually have a long history and some sort of provenance to go with them.

Today, they have become a bit of a cult classic and along with the 480L, become affordable to some, but not all ! So, that’s my story and I’ve been after one of these for many years to complement my other high-end Lexicons and AMSs I now have at my disposal. Of course I’m going to only make reference to the model I have, which is the last revision of 224, and was model introduced with the same LARC as the 480L, and not the original 224 that Vangelis used on Chariots of Fire.

I’ve now had this unit in my possession over the last month, and as you can imagine I’ve used it quite extensively and done multiple comparisons. The first thing I can say with hand on heart, is the hype about this thing is NOT hype ! This reverb is utterly amazing.. in a recent interview I read by producer Chris Porter, he clearly states that George Michael’s vocal on Faith and earlier recordings, were predominantly Lexicon 224xl.

In comparison with my 480L (with the classic cart) I can hear enough difference to warrant using the 224 albeit the 480L on classic cart presets, are equally stunning in their own right. In general, the 224xl and 480L always seem to be compared to one another, when in reality they are completely different in design, with different algorithms, sound and the 480L being a multi-effects unit and not just a straight reverb.

I’m not going to be drawn into a definitive which one is better, or which one I prefer, but what I will say, is that if you have one without the other, you will certainly survive, and survive well ! Perhaps in time, I’ll have the opportunity to compare the original 224 with the 224XL and write about what differences that to have? In the meantime, I will conclude by just saying that this machine is quite simply breathtaking on vocals, strings and its warm character it gives in any application.

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Audio Samples

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Classic Tracks

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The Joshua Tree


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Lexicon 224X Digital Reverberator

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