Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp

Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp

The Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp is our refined version of the historic Langevin AM-4 console channel.

Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp Details

We developed our own discrete gain stage in the Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp to provide for balanced outputs to bring the Langevin brand into the modern age while still retaining that desirable tone that discrete circuitry delivers.

No IC’s in the Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp, please! We also added 1/4″ DIRECT INPUTS addressable from the rear panel. The continuously variable plus and minus 10dB shelf EQ’s switched turnover points have been chosen carefully at 40 or 80Hz (L.F.) and 8 or 12KHz (H.F.).

All EQ can be completely switched out or set to ‘flat’ positions. Up to 53dB of gain is available to accommodate a wide range of microphones and high-current 48-volt phantom powering is built in.

Because the most single influential component in a mic pre has to be the input transformer, the Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp features our precision MANLEY mic input transformers which are wound right here in our factory, for that natural sound with a touch of brawn good iron provides.


  • Frequency Response: 0 dB 10 Hz to 20 KHz
  • <0.05% THD @ 1kHz S/N ratio: 103dB
  • EIN: -124dB
  • Gain: 38dB to 53dB (adjustable)
  • DIRECT Input Impedance: 23 kOhm UNBALANCED 1/4″
  • Output Impedance: 11 Ohm XLR, 6 Ohm 1/4″ all-discrete outputs
  • Maximum output: +31dBv
  • Power Consumption: (120/240 VAC): 12 watts
  • Dimensions: 19″ X 1 3/4″ X 10″ (occupies 1u)
  • Shipping Weight: 9 lbs.

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Langevin Dual Mono Mic Preamp

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