Fostex CX-8

Fostex CX-8 ADAT Recorder

The Fostex CX-8 operates up to four times faster than the original ADAT, offers an intelligent software-controlled tape transport, a solid, die cast aluminium chassis, and provides built-in digital copying and flexible autolocation, while sounding better than ever. All this at a very affordable price - a new standard in modular digital multitrack recording.

Fostex CX-8 ADAT Recorder Details

The Fostex CX-8 rewinds and fast-forwards up to four times faster than the original ADAT. Plus, advanced transport software continuously monitors performance. So, your creativity doesn’t get put on hold while you wait to hit “Record.;” Working with a multiple CX-8 system, or in a SMPTE or MIDI synchronisation environment with the Fostex RD-8, sample accurate lock is achieved in seconds.

Even though its wind speeds are greatly increased, the Fostex CX-8’s intelligent transport handles your tapes with care. New Dynamic Breaking software allows the transport to quickly wind to locate points while taking every precaution to treat the tape gently. Fostex CX-8’s transport software is so smart that it realises if it over- or undershoots a locate point and corrects it for the next time around.

Built-in 10-point Autolocate
There are 4 pre-programmed locate points designed to make your recording sessions quicker and easier: Auto Play, Auto Return, Auto Record, and Auto Rehearse. These automated functions help you get your ideas to tape quickly and accurately.

The 10 autolocate buttons double as a ten-key pad for entering numerical data into the Fostex CX-8 for use with digital editing and other functions. This lets you quickly input specific locate points, precise offset times, track delay amounts, and other commands.

You’ll find that punching in and out of the Fostex CX-8 is a breeze. Everything is automated so that you can concentrate on the music, instead of the engineering.

Built-in Digital Copying
Use the Track Copy feature to make a digital clone of any track (or group of tracks) and copy it to any other track (or group of tracks) on the same recorder. This valuable feature allows you to assemble composite tracks for applications from compiling vocals to creating special effects for film, video, and multimedia productions. It’s a versatile creative tool in its own right.

Another is Track Delay. Use this tool to fix slight timing errors in recorded tracks, such as a player who lags behind or rushes a beat. In recordings with multiple microphones, you can time align each track, precisely compensating for the spacing between the mics with accuracy to 0.0001 seconds. Imaging and impact can be perfected without the use of outboard signal processors.

Compatibility and Support
When you want to expand your CX-8 system, slave it to the Fostex RD-8. With its built-in Timecode generator/reader, chase/lock synchroniser, MIDI automation and RS-422 control, the RD-8 is the ideal master machine in a multi-machine environment. And the CX-8’s compatibility is not limited to the Fostex product line. There are over 100 innovative manufacturers in the ADAT Group who offer a wide variety of gear that is designed for use with ADAT-format recorders. The resulting flexibility allows you to create an integrated, all-digital recording studio that you can tailor in any way you choose.

Comprehensive Display
The multi-color vacuum fluorescent display includes a metering with three modes of peak display, a tape counter in hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of seconds, plus indicators for all locate and editing functions, as well as sampling rate, formatting, synchronisation lock, tape presence status, and more. You’ll know at a glance just what’s happening.

Superb Audio Quality
Best of all, the Fostex CX-8 sounds fabulous. New ultra-high-fidelity converters provide better-than-CD audio quality – a frequency response of 20Hz to 20kHz ą0.5dB, a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 92dB, adjacent channel crosstalk better than 90dB, and immeasurable wow-and-flutter. Figures that translate into sound which approaches audio perfection. If you’ve ever had any reservations about digital audio – questions about ‘warmth’ and suspicions about ‘brittle’ – you owe it to yourself to audition a CX-8.


  • Audio Channels: 8
  • Audio Conversion:
    • Record (A/D): 18 bit linear audio, 128 times oversampling, single converter per chan.
    • Playback (D/A): 20 bit linear, 8 times oversampling, single converter per chan.
  • Sample Rate: 44.1 / 48kHz, Selectable
  • Vari Speed Range: +100/-300 cents (48kHz), +/-200 cents (44.1kHz)
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz, +/-0.5dB
  • Dynamic Range: 92 dB, a weighted
  • Distortion: .009% THD
  • Channel Crosstalk: Better than -90 dB @ 1kHz
  • Wow and Flutter: Unmeasurable
  • Reference Level: -15dB
  • Dimensions 133mm x 482mm x 279.5mm
  • Weight: 9 kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Fostex CX-8 ADAT Recorder

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