Focusrite ISA 428 MkII

Focusrite ISA 428 MkII Microphone Preamplifier

The Focusrite ISA 428 MkII incorporates four of Focusrite's renowned mic pres in a simple-to-operate 2U enclosure, placing four mic preamps, instrument inputs and line ins at your fingertips.

Focusrite ISA 428 MkII Microphone Preamplifier Details

The original Focusrite mic pre was designed to suit the microphones of the time; today’s model makes one small change, adding three additional input impedances to the classic ISA 110 setting, allowing you to match any microphone, old or new, and access a wide range of sounds, from the character and warmth of a vintage mic to the clear transparency of a modern design.

Each mic pre in the Focusrite ISA 428 MkII has the option of mic, line or the front-panel instrument input, with variable input impedance to ensure you are getting the best performance from the source. Up to 60dB of gain is available on the four-position rotary and gain range switches, with a further +20dB of continuously variable trim, meaning a huge 80dB of gain is available should it be required.

The high-pass filter features variable cut-off frequency between 16 and 420Hz. An array of 6-segment LED meters shows peak signal level for the four mic pres, in addition to the four direct inputs to the optional A-D card. Switchable rear-panel insert points allow the use of inline processors such as compression.


  • Classic ISA mic preamp design featuring Lundahl LL1538 input transformer
  • Instrument and line inputs with dedicated input connectors and front-panel switch
  • Switchable input impedance including classic ISA 110 setting
  • Variable cut-off frequency high-pass filter
  • Dedicated switchable insert point
  • Per-channel six-segment LED peak-level meters
  • Optional A-D card with up to 192kHz, 24-bit sampling via ADAT or AES3Brainworx bx_console Focusrite – exclusive plug-in that faithfully captures the sound, feel and styling of the original Focusrite ISA 110 Equaliser and ISA 130 Dynamics Modules.


  • Weight 5.5kg (12.2lbs)
  • Dimensions 480mm (W) x 88mm (H) x 280mm (D)

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Focusrite ISA 428 MkII Microphone Preamplifier

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