EMT 248

EMT 248 Digital Audio Processor

The EMT 248 Digital Audio Processor served as a versatile solution for handling audio signal processing, rendering individual sound effects and processing units obsolete. The front panel of the device features program modules that offer quick access to a range of functions.

EMT 248 Digital Audio Processor Details

The EMT 248 Digital Audio Processor was the very last audio product to come out of the Barco-EMT ownership. Designed as a be all end all digital audio processor, with expansion via cartridges to add extra effects down the line. In fact, the basic unit featured only digital delay and reverb effects, all other functions came via additional cartridges inserted into the front panel.

The EMT 248 Digital Audio Processor is an intuitive and flexible tool designed to handle audio signal processing with superior quality. With its front panel program modules, users can access a diverse range of functions without navigating complex menus, and upgrades or enhancements are readily available.

The unit has the capacity to store supplementary module functions, while a multitude of pre-installed programs enable quick application of the device. Users can customise the audio processor with their own programs to suit specific needs, and multiple programs can be easily switched between. Additionally, the remote-control unit for the EMT 248 features the same operating elements as the front panel.

After selection with the keys FIX and FIRST, all internal programs and programs stored in the program module are available on the display. Selection may be made rapidly and precisely by turning and pressing the control dial on the front panel. After program selection, the respective program parameters are indicated; they may then be selected, altered, and adopted by turning and pressing the dial.

The NEXT key selects programs that are to be executed in addition to the program selected with FIRST. The overall effect of the programs depends on selections made with SYS. STORE enables settings to be made that may be subsequently retrieved with USER.

BYP (Bypass) routes the audio signal from the inputs to the outputs without processing; however, the level indicators remain functional. User assistance may be called up with HELP.

Functions in Basic EMT 248

  • Reverberation Reverberation programs with three-dimensional room characteristics
  • Delay and Stereo Effects Delay programs, echo programs, pseudo-stereo from mono, base width control, auto-pan pot, WS to UR
  • Functions from Program Modules
    • Dynamic Noise Filter Adaptive real-time noise filter for historical or noisy recordings
    • Audio Filters Parametric equaliser with low/midrange/high filter, adaptive and fixed notch filters for suppressing narrowband interference such as mains or video signals
    • Dynamic Functions Compressor, expander, limiter, de-esser, noise gate
    • Simulations Telephone lines with typical noise and distortion characteristics
    • Digital Signal Transfer A/D to AES/EBU and AES/EBU to D/A; level and balance control; phase reversal; compensation of preemphasis, DC offset, 11 gs delay, level and stereo correlation meters, determination of maximum signal level in dubbing
    • Measurement and Test Functions Signal generator for sine wave and noise (pink, white, third octave), level meters with peak-level storage, and stereo correlation meter
    • Voice disguiser For radio and TV shows with high intelligibility
    • De-click algorithm For phonograph records as individual module or as addition to dynamic noise filter
    • Megaphone and communications band simulations Generator for EBU program noise (24-bit AES/EBU)

EMT 248 Connections

  • Audio inputs with level controls
  • Audio outputs with level controls
  • AES/EBU input and output
  • CLOCK input and output
  • Control connector (parallel-remote)
  • Remote control
  • Mains power connector


  • Production interface with
    • SMPTE time code input
    • MIDI (in/out/thru)
    • serial interface


  • Resolution:
    • AD/DA 16 Bits
    • AES/EBU: 16 bits or 24 Bits
    • Internal: 32 Bits Floating Point
  • Sampling Frequency: 44.1 kHz/48 kHz
  • Dimensions: 445 x 375 x 88mm
  • Weight: 6 kg


Barco purchased EMT in 1989, and sold the business in 2003, during which time they phased out professional audio products and moved into manufacturing turntable cartridges.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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EMT 248 Digital Audio Processor

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