Western Electric

Western Electric played a crucial role in the development of early compressor-limiters, pioneering designs that became foundational in audio engineering. Notably, the Western Electric 110A and 111C were among the first devices used to manage audio levels, ensuring consistent sound and preventing distortion in broadcasting and recording. These units featured tube-based circuitry and innovative gain control mechanisms that set the stage for modern dynamics processing. Their designs heavily influenced later iconic models like the RCA and Fairchild limiters, cementing Western Electric’s legacy in audio compression technology.

Released in 1937

Western Electric 110A Program Amplifier

The Western Electric 110A Program Amplifier, released in 1937, was a pioneering broadcast audio compressor designed to enhance radio transmission quality and prevent over-modulation. Known as the first compressor of its kind, this amplifier delivered a 3 dB increase in average audio signal level, effectively doubling the broadcast area without needing additional transmitter power.