Lexicon, a leader in digital audio technology since the 1970s, is known for its groundbreaking digital reverbs and effects processors. In 1978, the Lexicon 224 debuted as the first digital reverb to use a microprocessor, introducing the “Lexicon sound” with smooth decay and dense reverb tails. The 1980s saw the release of the PCM 60 and PCM 70, offering programmable parameters and dual-engine processing for custom and complex sounds. In the 1990s, the 480L became a studio standard, featuring the user-friendly LARC system and the innovative “Random Space” algorithm. During the 2000s, the PCM96 and PCM92 expanded capabilities with surround processing and emulations of classic units. Today, Lexicon remains at the forefront of digital reverb, valued for its lush, natural sound in studios, live performances, and broadcasts worldwide.
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