Gyraf Audio

Gyraf Audio stems from over two decades of experience in the pro audio and recording industry. As engineers, service technicians, and designers, they’ve honed their craft to swiftly tackle any issue and devise technical solutions for even the most unconventional artistic visions.

Released in 2011

Gyraf Audio G9 Mic Preamp

The Gyraf Audio G9 is a dual true tube microphone preamp – made like our mother did it. It’s a simple, yet powerful unit, based on a variable-gain input tube stage driving a tube SRPP output stage. No silicon or other crap in signal path.
Released in 2013

Gyraf Audio G22 Vari-Mu Compressor

Gyraf Audio G22 is an elaborated and dual’ified version of our venerable G10 vari-mu compressor. This incarnation allows it to be dual-mono, while still keeping a backwards-compatibility “G10 mode” where one set of knobs controls real stereo compression, like you’d want most of the time in mastering.
Released in 2017

Gyraf Audio G24 Cadmium Compressor

The Gyraf Audio G24 is an entirely new type of stereo compressor – aimed at mix and mastering functions. Similar to its sister and predecessor, the G23 EQ, it’s for those situations where you have a mix that is already nearly perfect balanced, but you want to control some part of its dynamic without messing up the overall definition.
Released in 2018

Gyraf Audio G23-S Ambler Tilting Equaliser

The Gyraf Audio G23-S is an original design Tilting-type Equaliser aimed mainly at mix and mastering, for the situations where you have a mix that is already nearly perfect balanced but want it a tad darker or brighter without messing up the overall definition. The recent -S version has been extended, now containing two entirely different topologies for makeup gain and interfacing.
Released in 2020

Gyraf Audio G14-S Stereo Equaliser

The G14-S is a passive stereo equaliser, equipped with two different topologies for makeup gain and interfacing. The filter itself consist of five bands – each with 11 switchable frequencies, continuous variable “Q”, and individual boost/bypass/cut selection. The unit has an overall output level “TRIM”, and a hard relay bypass serving as reference for your work.