
Equalisers, or EQs, are tools used in recording studios to adjust the frequency response of an audio signal. Classic EQ units are typically used to cut or boost certain frequencies, allowing the engineer to shape the overall sound of a recording. The frequency bands that an EQ can adjust can vary, but most common EQs feature a low-frequency band, a mid-frequency band, and a high-frequency band. The engineer can adjust the gain of each band to either cut or boost specific frequency ranges in the audio signal. Click here to learn more about the various types of equalisers.

Released in 1980

360 Systems Model 2800 Programmable Equaliser

The 360 Systems Model 2800 Programmable Equaliser was a fairly unique product at the time of its release in 1980, with its tactile controls and programmability. Using a Z-80 microprocessor and CMOS memory storage, the 360 Systems Model 2800 Programmable Equaliser was able to store up to 28 user created EQ curves.
Released in 1984

Ibanez MSP1000 Multi Signal Processor

The Ibanez MSP1000 is a versatile processor with a compressor/limiter, graphic EQ, and notch filter. It offers precise control, eliminating feedback and shaping sound without affecting quality.
Released in 1985

Boss RGE-10 Graphic Equaliser

The Boss RGE-10 Graphic Equaliser from 1985 provides fine tonal compensation with 10-Band Graphic Equaliser.
Released in 1986

Boss RPQ-10 Preamp Parametric EQ

The Boss RPQ-10 Preamp Parametric EQ released in 1986, is A 2-band Parametric Equaliser that’s a key performer when creating sounds.
Released in 1986

Sony MU-E311 31 Band Equaliser

The Sony MU-E311 was part of Sony’s complete range of professional audio products, matching the aesthetic, sound quality and build quality of the Sony MU-R201 stereo digital reverb.
Released in 1988

Roland E-660 Digital Parametric Equaliser

The Roland E-660 is a versatile two-channel digital equaliser with eight filters for precise sound adjustments, offering flexible configurations and intuitive controls, along with delay capabilities and extensive connectivity options.
Released in 1988

Sony MU-E041 Parametric Equaliser

The Sony MU-E041 is a professional-grade parametric equaliser featuring four-band EQ with independent control, boost/cut level switch, and transformerless balanced input/output circuits.
Released in 1990

Manley EQP-1A Stereo Pultec EQ

Manley’s modern take on the Pultec EQ – in stereo! – with extra frequencies the original never had; a vastly superior power supply and famous Manley line amps complete the package. Magic on drums, killer on guitars.
Released in 1990

Manley Enhanced Pultec Equaliser

The Manley Enhanced Pultec Equaliser is Manley’s modern take on the Pultec EQ with extra frequencies the original never had; a vastly superior power supply and famous Manley line amps complete the package. Magic on kick drum, killer on guitars.
Released in 1991

TUBE-TECH PE 1C Program Equaliser

The TUBE-TECH PE 1C is a passive, all-tube EQ, based on the legendary PULTEC EQP 1A design and featuring a passive EQ section and a high-quality op amp.
Released in 1993

Manley Mid Frequency Equaliser

This single channel Manley Mid Frequency Equaliser is the secret weapon for vocal, guitar, snare and all the other midrange instruments that are the meat of the mix.
Released in 1995

Drawmer 1961 Equaliser

Designed to complement the widely acclaimed Drawmer 1960 Mic Pre-Amp Vacuum Tube Compressor, the Drawmer 1961 Vacuum Tube Equaliser combines low noise circuitry with no fewer than twelve active tube stages to provide two channels of exceptional equalisation possessing unique ‘personality’.