Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System

Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System

The first point of make clear about the Dynacord DRS 78 is that it is a digital echo and reverb system in a three-rack unit high enclosure. Besides giving a very wide range of reverb and echo effects it produces above all true and absolutely natural reverb effects as they have been obtainable so far only in studios or in cathedrals.

Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System Details

Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System – The electronic calculator of the Dynacord DRS 78 is interleaving approximately 1,000 individual echos per second by chance in such a way that the human ear can no longer discern their sequence. Due to the fact that all signals are processed in a true digital manner a large bandwidth is obtained within the memory store.

It is also possible to read a certain word or sound into the digital memory and to repeat this word any length of time without any loss in the treble range. In order to avoid any influence on the naturalness of the sound a filter is incorporated at the output which serves for imitating the different absorption factors for the various frequency ranges, because high frequencies are being absorbed much faster in the course of time than low frequencies.

Besides producing true natural reverb effects of course, the Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System also produces any other echo and reverb delay effects. By means of a ring counter three different echo delays between 6 – 320 msec can be selected, preset, stored in the memory, and can be also recalled.

All functions of the Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System such as switching echo/reverb, volume reverb, volume echo, and selection of the three preset echo delays may be controlled remotely.


  • Quantisation: Unknown
  • Sampling Frequency: Unknown
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz-8kHz
  • Dynamic Range: 70dB
  • THD: 1.0%

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

User Reviews

Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System User Reviews


By Anonymous

Sound Quality 80%
Build Quality 85%
Usefullness 100%
Mojo/Funk 95%
Reliability 80%

I have an old DRS78, it offers a lot of possibilities and I really love its sound.


By Anoymous

Sound Quality 70%
Build Quality 85%
Usefullness 85%
Mojo/Funk 100%
Reliability 85%

Very open to creative use, and a nice characteristic tone to it.

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Audio Samples

Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System Audio Samples

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Classic Tracks

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Dynacord DRS 78 Digital Reverberation System

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