DBX 786

dbx 786 Microphone Preamplifier

The craftsmanship of the dbx 786 precision microphone preamplifier is as stunning as the engineering is innovative.

dbx 786 Microphone Preamplifier Details

A striking blue front panel machined from 1/4″ aircraft aluminium, hand-crafted solid aluminium knobs, LEDs mounted individually in machined stainless-steel housings, custom VU meters with peak indicators, and heavy gauge chassis solidify the dbx 786 as the benchmark preamplifier for decades to come.

The dbx 786 combines the best preamplifier features and an absolutely pristine audio path. In addition to having +48V phantom power as well as a phase reverse switch, the 786 also features a patent-pending EQ circuit called “spectrum” with frequency cut and boost up to 40kHz.

An 11-position coarse gain switch sets the gain between +10 and +60dB, while the fine gain control varies between -3 and +3dB. Levels may be monitored on peak program VU meters with adjustable reference levels. The signal path consists of a transformer-coupled, discrete-design premium input stage, utilising the proprietary dbx M8™ Mic Pre-Amp Module.

“Spectrum”, a unique variable high-frequency equalisation circuit employed in the mic pre-amp enhances the high frequency spectral content of the signal while maintaining phase integrity. The “Detail” control varies the amount of high frequency shelving boost at the frequency determined by the Spectrum control.

The combination of the Spectrum and Detail controls allow pristine high frequency equalisation adjustments without the added “hash” of traditional high-frequency EQ topologies. Premium active electronics, precision 0.1% and 1% metal film resistors, great sounding temperature stable polypropylene capacitors, high-reliability board-to-board connectors with gold-palladium/nickel contacts, Jensen® transformers, gold plated Neutrik® XLRs, rare earth magnet relays with gold contacts in a hermetically sealed nitrogen environment, military grade glass epoxy circuit boards, to mention a few, contribute to the most technologically advanced preamplifier in the world.

The dbx 786 Mic Pre-Amp is a 2U two channel precision mic pre companion product to the 160S Stereo Compressor/Limiter. We refer to this as a “precision mic pre-amp” as it is designed to provide the truest reproduction of the microphone source as is electronically possible, as opposed to “FX” mic pre-amps.
The pre-amp features the ubiquitous +48V phantom power, 20dB pad, and phase invert functions, but also includes a switchable “super low Z” setting which optimises the pre-amp performance for microphones with very low source impedance. An 11-position coarse gain switch sets the gain between +10 and +60dB, while the fine gain control varies between -3 and +3dB. Levels may be monitored on peak-program VU meters with adjustable reference levels.

The signal path of the dbx 786 consists of a transformer-coupled, discrete-design premium input stage utilising the proprietary dbx M8™ Mic PreAmp Module. The minimum signal path design routes the amplified signal directly to a patented high output drive circuit. Each stage throughout the mic pre-amp is small-signal square wave compensated to assure precise phase alignment at all audio frequencies.

Two output options of the dbx 786 will be available for the mic pre; an analogue card that parallels one extra high drive output per channel acting as a premium signal splitter, and a dbx Type IV Conversion System card that provides proprietary analogue-to-digital conversion for both channels with both AES/EBU and S/PDIF outputs.

The dbx Blue Series Solid State Mic Pre has patented high-precision, high-drive, transformer-coupled output stages capable of performing with incredible accuracy and sonic transparency in virtually any audio environment. The custom designed transformer, coupled with a discrete distortion cancelling driver circuit, is capable of driving 1000 feet of Belden 8451 cable terminated with a 150-ohm load, while maximum drive levels exceed +30 dBm. Yet this output stage exhibits remarkably low distortion levels, immeasurable using standard audio test equipment.



  • Connectors: Female XLR Pin 2 hot.
  • Type: Transformer balanced/unbalanced.
  • Impedance:  1.44kΩ, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  • Optimum Microphone Impedance: 150Ω or 20Ω with Super Low Z switch engaged.
  • Maximum Input Level: > +13 dBu or >+33 dBu with 20 dB pad engaged.
  • CMRR: > 115 dB at 60 Hz, > 110 dB at 1 kHz, > 75 dB at 10 kHz


  • Connectors: Male XLR Pin 2 Hot
  • Type: Transformer balanced/unbalanced, RF filtered.
  • Impedance:  Balanced 40Ω, unbalanced 20Ω.
  • Maximum Output Level: Balanced typically +30 dBm (into 600Ω). Unbalanced (with UNBAL switch engaged) typically +24 dBm (into 600Ω).


  • Course Gain Control: +15 dB to +65 dB voltage gain in 5 dB steps.
  • Fine Gain Control: Additional -5 dB to +5 dB voltage gain.
  • 0.1 dB Bandwidth: 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0/-0.1 dB
  • Frequency Response: 2 Hz to 200 kHz +0/-3.0 dB
  • EIN: Typically -128 dBu, 150Ω source impedance, unweighted, 20 Hz to 20 kHz measurement bandwidth.
  • THD + Noise: 0.005% typical at +4 dBu out, 1kHz, 35 dB gain. 0.0009% typical at +24 dBu out, 1kHz, 35 dB gain.
  • IMD: <0.007% SMPTE 4:1, 35 dB gain. < 2.0 degrees, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
  • Deviation From Linear Phase:
  • Interchannel Crosstalk: Typically -105 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

User Reviews

dbx 786 Microphone Preamplifier User Reviews

Still one of the very best preamps

By Marcus

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 100%
Usefullness 90%
Mojo/Funk 50%
Reliability 95%

The DBX 786 is one of the best sounding mic pres for ever. We have here in the studio Millennias HV3r and M2B (also beautiful), Forssell SMP2, AMS Neve 1073, DAV BG8 and some more. The DBX sits right next to the Millennia STT1, which is a little more versatile; but the DBX has a bigger and deeper soundstage. I absolutely love it. The spectrum EQ is aurally nice, but I like a good quality EQ like in the Millennia STT1 a bit better. Although If you know how to set the spectrum EQ it is amazing. Sometimes I even use it for mastering. I just gave the 50% for Mojo because even though it is a an older design from the 90-s it is ultra clean and transparent, yer musical. But it doesn‘t color the sound like a Neve. I just gave 95% on reliability because in this 13 years ofusing it I had two broken LEDs. Bit absolutely no real issue. Lately I bought a AD converter card. I can remember that this was very expensive. Today it really surprised ne, that it is on ar with our Prisms, RME ADI 2 pr fs and others. Pretty cool when considering that we are talking about an at least 25 years old design…

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dbx 786 Microphone Preamplifier

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