dbx 2BX

dbx 2BX Two Band Dynamic Range Expander

The dbx 2BX is a dynamic range expander that enhances the audio quality of recordings and broadcasts by restoring their original dynamic range. It reduces background noise and revitalizes both loud and quiet passages, breathing new life into old records and FM broadcasts. This makes the dbx 2BX a valuable addition for audiophiles looking to enrich their home music systems.

dbx 2BX Two Band Dynamic Range Expander Details

The dbx 2BX is a sophisticated expander designed to restore this dynamic range and excitement to recordings or radio broadcasts, significantly enhancing your listening enjoyment. If you’re a music lover or an audiophile, you’ve probably noticed that much of the excitement of a live performance is missing in a recorded or broadcast performance. This loss of excitement is primarily because the dynamic range of the recording or broadcast has been purposely restricted to fit the medium’s limitations.

By expanding the dynamic range, the dbx 2BX lowers the characteristic noise levels of tapes, phonograph records, or FM broadcasts. It restores the “punch” to loud passages and the whisper to quiet ones. This device can breathe new life into an old record collection and make FM broadcasts worth listening to.

When used with a dbx tape noise reduction system, such as the 120 or 150 series, the dbx 2BX allows you to make tape copies of records, FM broadcasts, or other tapes that actually sound better than the original. With these capabilities, the dbx 2BX will become one of the most valued components in your home music system.

The dbx 2BX (or any expander) places greater demands on your power amplifier and speakers. Determining whether an amplifier has adequate power is not always straightforward, as it depends on the sensitivity of the speakers and the amplifier’s distortion characteristics.

When set for 1:1.5 expansion, the dbx 2BX can extend a 60dB classical recording to about 90dB of dynamic range. Achieving the full benefit of this dynamic range requires a powerful amplifier and robust speakers. If you have such equipment, the results will be breathtaking. However, these components are not mandatory for enjoying the dbx 2BX.

The crucial point is that if the speakers and amplifier cannot handle a wide dynamic range, and the expander “tries” to drive them beyond their capacity, excessive clipping distortion may occur. To avoid this, use high-quality speakers and a reasonably large amplifier. If distortion persists, it will likely be noticed only with programs that already have a good dynamic range and do not need much expansion.

In such cases, reducing the transition level and expansion ratio setting can prevent distortion. A good expander is a powerful tool, and, like any powerful tool, it can be overused. When used properly, the expander can transform an old record collection into a treasure of new listening enjoyment and make compressed FM broadcasts an exciting new source of pleasure.


  • Expansion Ratio: 1.0 to 1.5 (0 to 50% increase), linear in decibels
  • Dynamic Range: 110dB (peak signal to weighted background noise ratio)
  • Transition Level Range: 30mV to 3V (threshold)
  • Attack and Release Rates: Variable, determined by program loudness and rate of change
  • Frequency Response: ±0.5dB, 20Hz to 20kHz at an expansion ratio of 1:1.0
  • Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.1% typical at 1.0 expansion, 20Hz to 20kHz
  • IM Distortion: 0.15% typical
  • Input Impedance: High (50 kohms)
  • Output Impedance: Low (designed to feed a tape monitor input or tape deck with long cables)
  • Maximum Output Level: 6 volts RMS at 1kHz
  • Power Requirements: 117V AC, 50 or 60Hz
  • Power Consumption: 20 watts, maximum
  • Dimensions: 451mm x 95mm x 267mm
  • Weight: 3.8 kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

dbx 2BX
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dbx 2BX Two Band Dynamic Range Expander

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