dbx 286s

dbx 286s Microphone Preamplifier

The dbx 286s is a full featured Channel Strip Processor that delivers a studio quality microphone/instrument preamplifier and four processors that can be used independently or in any combination.

dbx 286s Microphone Preamplifier Details

Why mic up vocals and instruments through a noisy, blurry mixer? The sonically pristine dbx 286s Mic Preamp has all the features you need, including wide-ranging input gain control, switchable +48V phantom power, and an 80Hz high-pass filter to remove low frequency hum, rumble or wind. Use the patented dbx OverEasy compressor to transparently smooth out uneven acoustic tracks or deliver that classic “in your face” vocal performance that only a dbx compressor can.

Eliminate vocal sibilance and high frequency distortion from instruments such as cymbals with the frequency tunable De-Esser. Fine-tune the Enhancer HF Detail control to add sparkle and crispness to your tracks and make adjustments to the LF Detail control to add fullness and depth to vocals and bass instruments while cleaning up the muddy low midrange frequencies. And the separate threshold and ratio controls on the Expander/Gate allow you to subtly reduce headphone leakage or radically gate noisy guitar amps.

The dbx 286s offers a full complement of metering and status LEDs to visually guide you to achieving the right sound. The floating balanced XLR Mic Input accepts balanced or unbalanced inputs to easily connect to professional and home studio microphones. The additional 1/4″ TRS Line Input can accept balanced/unbalanced signals to process live electronic instruments or pre-recorded tracks at mixdown. Use the Insert jack to interface between the Mic Preamp and the signal processing sections to “loop out” to external processors (such as EQ or delay unit) or to mix the Mic Preamp’s signal out to an external destination.

The cost and hassle of patching together multiple processors for use on one track can be frustrating. The dbx 286s provides you with all the mic processing you need in one box, with the shortest, cleanest signal path to keep your music sounding its best!

dbx 286s Features

  • Studio quality Mic Preamp/Channel Strip Processor
  • Classic dbx Compression puts great sound within easy reach
  • Frequency tunable De-Esser reduces sibilance and high frequency distortion
  • Enhancer increases the detail and definition of the high and low frequencies
  • Program adaptive Expander/Gate
  • Insert jack allows you to add an external processor
  • Full complement of meters and status LEDs
  • +48V Phantom Power
  • Precision detented controls


  • Mic Preamp Input Impedance ~4.2kΩ
  • Mic Preamp gain 0dB to +60dB
  • Mic Preamp max input level 0.2Vrms, Gain = 30dB
  • Mic Preamp Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) -125dBu, 22Hz-22kHz, 150Ω source impedance
  • Noise <-80dBu unweighted (20Hz-20kHz); Both Gain Controls set for 0dB, all processing controls OFF
  • Frequency Response 20Hz to 20kHz, +0.5, -0.5dB
  • THD <0.08%THD, 20Hz-20kHz, +10dBu, all Processing Controls OFF

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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dbx 286s Microphone Preamplifier

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