dbx 263x

dbx 263x De-Esser

The dbx 263x De-Esser is a highly effective and versatile tool for any audio engineer or producer looking to improve the quality of their vocal recordings.

dbx 263x De-Esser Details

The dbx 263X De-Esser was part of dbx’s Performer Series of half rack audio processors, along with the dbx 163X Compressor/Limiter and the dbx 463X Noise Gate Expander, all of which could be racked in pairs with an optional adapter.

The dbx 263x De-Esser is a powerful audio processor designed to eliminate unwanted sibilance or “ess” sounds in recorded audio. Sibilance refers to the high-frequency hissing or buzzing sound that often occurs when pronouncing certain letters, such as “s,” “sh,” and “ch.” This can be particularly problematic in vocal recordings, as excessive sibilance can make speech sound harsh, piercing, or otherwise unpleasant.

The dbx 263x De-Esser is specifically designed to address this issue by selectively reducing the level of high-frequency content in a signal. It does this by detecting and analysing the sibilant frequencies and applying dynamic gain reduction to them, effectively smoothing out the harshness and making the overall sound more natural and balanced.

The dbx 263x De-Esser features a number of advanced controls to allow for precise and customisable de-essing. These include adjustable frequency range, threshold, ratio, attack and release times, and a unique “listen” mode that allows the user to hear only the processed sibilant frequencies in isolation, making it easier to fine-tune the settings.

Overall, the dbx 263x De-Esser is a highly effective and versatile tool for any audio engineer or producer looking to improve the quality of their vocal recordings.


  • Single-Slider Action with LEDs
  • Pushbutton-Selectable Bandwidth
  • Knob-Adjustable Sensitivity Control
  • Front-Panel ¼” High-Impedance Mike Input
  • 600-ohm Output to +18 dBv


  • Frequency Response: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
  • THD: 0.1%
  • Input Noise: -85 dB unweighted
  • Input Impedance: 391 k Ohms
  • Output Impedance: 22 ohms
  • Maximum Attenuation: Greater than 20 dB, variable

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Classic Tracks

dbx 263x De-Esser Used on these Recordings

Jagged Little Pill

Alanis Morissette

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dbx 263x De-Esser

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