dbx 160X

dbx 160X Compressor

The dbx 160X replaced the now legendary dbx 160 (VU) and added the over easy compression of the dbx 165 and changed the form factor from the half rack size with wood side panels, to a single rack chassis.

dbx 160X Compressor Details

The dbx 160X, the next iteration of the dbx 160 VU, has several key differences. Firstly, it features a full-width single-rack space form factor with LED input and gain reduction meters in place of the classic VUs of the original. It is the first dbx 160 model to use the 8-pin SIP integrated circuit VCA and RMS detectors, the 146732 and 146742, respectively. The 146732 is equivalent to the dbx 2152/THAT Corp. 2159, a lower-spec version of the 2150.

The dbx 160X adds simplified stereo coupling with an additional ¼-inch TRS connector and external sidechain access on the I/O terminal strip. Most notably, it includes dbx’s “overeasy” soft-knee circuit from the dbx 165.  By default, the 160X uses a ground-cancelling, single-ended output circuit like the 160 VU, with the output signal on a ¼-inch TRS jack and a terminal strip. Additionally, the AB1 electronically balanced output card offers a fully balanced output with an op-amp stage driving both hot and cold leads, appearing on the terminal strip (no XLR connectors).

The dbx 160X is a professional single channel compressor/limiter that features an exclusive combination of the dbx Over Easy and “hard knee” compression characteristics. dbx Over Easy compression permits extremely smooth, almost inaudible transitions into compression due to the gradual change of compression ratio around the threshold.

The dbx 160X offers the user the choice of using the Over Easy curve or a mathematically precise “hard” threshold—at any compression ratio selected. The Over Easy curve, coupled with dbx’s true-RMS level detector, wide-range Blackmer voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) and feed-forward circuitry, makes it possible to achieve large amounts of compression without adverse audible side effects.

These features also allow the dbx 160X to actually be set for INFINITY+TM compression. This is a special negative compression effect whereby the program dynamics are inverted above the set threshold (i.e., the higher the input level, the lower the output level).

The detectors of two dbx 160X can be coupled so that stereo programs are compressed with stable imaging, by means of a simple patch cable between the two units. The stereo coupling can be disengaged instantly by a front panel pushbutton.

Program-dependent attack and release times assure natural sound without the need for continuous manual adjustments. Threshold and compression ratios are adjustable over a wide range, so virtually any line level signal can be processed effectively.

Output gain is also adjustable over a very wide range (±20 dB). These features make the dbx 160X compatible with the operating levels of virtually all professional sound and creative audio equipment.

For metering, the dbx 160X provides a true RMS dual wide-range LED array which simultaneously shows the amount of gain reduction up to 40 dB and the input or output level from —40 dB to +20 dB, depending on the setting of a front panel switch.

The dbx 160X also features a true “hard-wired bypass” switch, separate detector inputs, Tip/Ring/Sleeve phone jacks as well as barrier strip connectors, balanced active inputs and +24 dBm single ended output drive capability which can be field modified to provide transformer or active balanced operation.

The dbx 160X is well suited to a broad range of applications including tape recording, disc mastering, radio and TV production and broadcast, live concert sound reinforcement, mobile and theatrical production.

dbx 160X Features

  • Threshold Range: Variable from -40 to +20 dBm (7.8 mV to 7.8 V RMS).
  • Compression Ratio
    • Over Easy: Program-dependent, affected by THRESHOLD, COMPRESSION RATIO settings (COMPRESSION RATIO control determines maximum compression ratio), continuously variable from 1:1 to ∞:1 to -1:1.
    • Hard-knee: COMPRESSION RATIO setting defines exact compression ratio, continuously variable from 1:1 to ∞:1 to -1:1.
  • Maximum Compression: 60 dB
  • Threshold Characteristic: Over Easy or hard knee (switch selectable).
  • Attack Time: Program-dependent: 15 ms for 10 dB increase in input level (above threshold), 5 ms for 20 dB, 3 ms for 30 dB.
  • Release Time: Program-dependent; varies automatically from 0-500 ms, affected by settings of front panel controls.
  • Output Gain: Variable from -20 to +20 dB.


  • Input Impedance
    • Signal input: 50 kΩ, unbalanced; 100 kΩ, balanced.
    • Detector input: 230 kΩ, unbalanced; 460 kΩ, balanced.
  • Input Level: +24 dBm maximum.
  • Output Impedance: 22 Ω, designed to drive 600 Ω or greater.
  • Output Level: +24 dBm into 600 Ω or greater.
  • Slew Rate: 10 V/µs
  • Dynamic Range: 113 dB
  • Equivalent Input Noise (unweighted): <-89 dBm, 20 Hz – 20 kHz.
  • Frequency Response: +0, -1 dB, 20 Hz – 20 kHz.
  • Distortion Below Threshold: 2nd harmonic 0.07%; 3rd harmonic 0.07%.
  • Distortion Above Threshold: 2nd harmonic 0.07%; 3rd harmonic 0.02%.
  • Meter Zero Set: -15 dBm to +10 dBm.
  • Dimensions: 483mm x 44mm x 184mm
  • Weight: 3kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

dbx 160X
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