Crane Song Flamingo

Crane Song Flamingo Microphone Preamplifier

The Crane Song Flamingo is a high quality two channel discrete class A microphone pre-amp. It can be operated as a musically transparent pre-amplifier but is capable of emulating vintage sounds as well as creating distinctive new ones.

Crane Song Flamingo Microphone Preamplifier Details

The input gain of the Crane Song Flamingo microphone preamplifier is selected by a stepped switch for gain matching and repeatability. This is followed by a continuously variable attenuator to provide gain trim. Gain is adjustable in 6 db steps to 66 db gain and down to off by the attenuator. Each channel has independently switchable phase and phantom power switches. Crane Song Flamingo also contains a two channel 22 element VU meter with an over load indicator to allow accurate monitoring and ease of level adjustment.

Unique to Crane Song Flamingo are three switches that allow the user to select different sounds; these are the IRON, SOUND and TONE switches. The SOUND switch changes the type of amplifier, and the IRON switch puts iron in the audio path. The TONE switch, a 3-position switch, allows for standard – (the original Flamingo sound) when the switch is in the centre position, when moved to the right, Flamingo operates as a transparent preamp, and when the switch is in the left most position, it has more colour. Needless to say, by using these switches Crane Song Flamingo can produce many different combinations of sounds.

Also added to Flamingo is an input impedance switch. Providing 2 choices, the first is the original Flamingo; the second is to match large diaphragm condenser mics as recommended by David Bock, of Bock Audio. It also has transformer-less balanced inputs and outputs.

Crane Song Flamingo is designed to be flexible and give the user a tool to solve real world recording, broadcast, and sound reinforcement problems. It can provide an artistic choice of sounds at the flip of a switch.


There are no specifications published for this product at this time. We will add specifications in the future should this change.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Classic Tracks

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Crane Song Flamingo Microphone Preamplifier

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