Cranborne Audio Camden 500
Cranborne Audio Camden 500
Cranborne Audio Camden 500

Cranborne Audio Camden 500 Microphone Preamplifier

Cranborne Audio Camden 500 is the most astoundingly clean, linear, transparent preamp you’ve ever heard. But it also has “Mojo” - 2 discrete custom analogue saturation circuits that can be applied, exaggerated, and perhaps best of all - bypassed.

Cranborne Audio Camden 500 Microphone Preamplifier Details

Cranborne Audio Camden 500 provides the utmost clarity and detail when it is most required. Its custom ‘Camden’ topology achieves stunning low-noise and low-distortion performance: -129.8dB EIN (150ohm, unweighted) and THD+N as low as 0.0002%. It also sets a new standard for frequency and phase linearity: ±0.7dB frequency response from 5Hz to 200kHz at max gain and <2° phase shift @ 50Hz – 20kHz. The sum result is the most natural sounding preamp you’ve ever heard.

Vintage, Warm, and Coloured
Cranborne Audio Camden 500 features “Mojo” – a custom analogue saturation circuit that transforms Cranborne Audio Camden 500 into the fattest, warmest, most colourful mic preamp in your arsenal. Designed to introduce harmonics and saturation effects that our favourite vintage gear produces, Mojo can be subtle, it can be exaggerated, but best of all it can be bypassed…

Impeccable Modern Clean Performance
Designed from the ground up by our director of engineering, Edward Holmes, Cranborne Audio Camden 500 was created to be the ultimate recording front-end for the modern studios and withstand the rigours of modern workflow and production techniques. Designed to excel with any input source, Camden 500 features a completely original, custom-designed preamp topology that achieves stunning low-noise and low-distortion performance and frequency/phase linearity at any gain setting from unity to 68.5dB.

Stepped Gain Control
Cranborne Audio Camden 500 features a premium, 12-way switch gain control that applies up to 68.5dB of clean, transparent preamp gain in 5.5dB steps. This makes it easy to recall gain settings and easy to match the gain of two Camden 500’s for stereo applications.

Stereo Matched
With carefully selected modern components, any two Camden preamps are completely stereo matched to within 0.1dB. Every Camden preamp also passes through a rigorous frequency response test at the factory that ensures it performs the same as the last.

Progressive-slope High Pass Filter
Camden’s high pass filter features a progressive slope where low end is rolled off initially at around 6dB/octave and then increases to 12dB for the lowest octave – preserving the low end you want, and cutting what you don’t.

3-Way Input Type Switch
Tailored input impedance and headroom for Mic, Line, and Hi-Z sources means punchy and full-range line recording with +26.5dBu of input headroom as well as alive and natural sounding DI’d instruments with it’s unique BJT design and 1.5M Ohm input impedance.

Vintage ‘Mojo’ On Tap
For moments when you want that gooey, vintage vibe on your recordings, we developed Mojo – our own custom analogue saturation circuit that adds the familiar tone of transformers, valves, and vintage equipment onto your Camden’s preamps for recording or mixing. Record through Mojo to add that vibe on the way into your DAW or add the Mojo during the mix phase – Mojo adds tons of analogue saturation to all audio signals.

Key Features

  • Fully discrete, transformerless design featuring our custom ‘Camden’ preamp topology designed by our Director of Engineering – Edward Holmes
  • Optimised for and fully compliant with the 500-series format
    Camden 500 is not a 19” unit shoe-horned into a 500-series module, it has been designed from the ground-up to perform under the low-voltage power rails and supply current limitations of the 500-series format whilst delivering groundbreaking performance
  • Performs at the near-theoretical limits of noise, distortion, and phase/frequency linearity at all gain settings
    EIN: <-129.5dBu, 150 ohm source, unweighted, <-135.5dBu, Inputs common, unweighted
    THD+N: <0.0004%, 1kHz, 35dB gain, 24dBu out
    Intermodulation Distortion: <0.0008%, 50Hz and 7kHz, 35dB gain, 20dBu out
    Phase Shift: <2.25°, 40dB gain, 20Hz to 20kHz, <4°, Max gain, 20Hz to 20kHz
    Freq. Response: <±1dB, <5 Hz to >200 kHz, all gain settings
    CMRR: >70dB, typ >85dB, 35dB Gain, 10-20kHz, 100mV Common mode
  • Optimised input Impedance and input headroom for Mic, Line, and Hi-z sources
    Mic Preamp, Instrument Di, and – thanks to Mojo – line-level analogue saturator
  • Custom ‘Mojo’ analogue saturation circuit with variable control, true bypass, and 2 discrete styles – Thump and Cream
    Reamp tracks from your DAW through Mojo to apply analogue saturation to your stems, VST, and stereo mixes
    Thump excites low-end content by boosting lower odd/even harmonics from a range of 160Hz to 20Hz and below
    Cream boosts odd/even harmonics whilst also reducing the amplitude of the fundamental frequencies and applying typical transformer-style transient taming
  • Gold Flashing on backplane contacts for increased conductivity and durability
  • Designed & Engineered in the United Kingdom


  • Minimum Gain: Mic= 8dB, Line = 0dB, Hi-Z = 3dB
  • Phase Shift: <2.25° (40dB gain, 20Hz to 20kHz), <4° (max gain, 20Hz to 20kHz)
  • Maximum Gain: Mic = 68dB, Line = 60dB, Hi-Z = 63dB
  • THD+N: <0.0004% (1kHz, 35dB gain, 24dBu out)
  • Input Impedance:
    • Mic= 8.9kOhms 48v Off, 5.4kOhms 48v ON,
    • Line = 24.3kOhms,
    • Hi-Z= 1.5MOhm unbalanced, 3MOhm balanced
  • Intermodulation Distortion:
    • <0.0008% (50Hz and 7kHz, 35dB gain, 20dBu out),
    • <0.0006% (50Hz and 7kHz, 35dB gain, 15dBu out)
  • Max Input Level:
    • Mic = 17.6dBu (<0.003% THD),
    • Line = 26.5dBu (<0.02% THD),
    • Hi-Z = 24dBu (<0.02% THD)
  • Hi-Pass Filter (HPF): 80Hz, -3dB, 12dB/Oct
  • Output Impedance: 150 Ohms
  • Current Draw: 120mA per rail – idle, 140mA per rail – typical use case
  • Max Output Level: 27.5dBu (<0.002% THD, 30dB gain) CMRR: >70dB, typ >85dB, 35dB gain, 10-20kHz, 100mV Common mode
  • Equivalent Input Noise (EIN):
    • <-129.5dBu (150 ohm source, unweighted),
    • <-131dBu (150 ohm source, A-weighted),
    • <-135.5dBu (Inputs common, unweighted)
  • Slew Rate: 20V/uS, 35dB gain, 25dBu out

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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