Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor
Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor
Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor

Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor

The Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor is a mixture of all that is Chandler. It combines elements of our LTD-2 and Germanium Compressor, as well as 2264 and 33609 units, into an all-new compressor for a 500 format. Discrete transformer sound and handmade quality are the make-up of the Devil Comp.

Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor Details

If you like any of the units that inspired the Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor, you will enjoy seeing those sounds come to the next level. Revolutionary controls like wet/dry, sidechain filter, and curve selection make the unit extremely flexible. When combined with its intense tone, this compressor gives you a powerful package in a small box!

Please note that all Devils feature increased compatibility! No power issues here!

Little Devil EQs and Chandler Limited Little Devil Compressor have been upgraded to eliminate the power conflict experienced with some 3rd party racks and lunchboxes. The upgrade has been tested in the racks listed above. Any Little Devil EQ or Little Devil Compressor with compatibility issues can be returned to Chandler Limited for a free upgrade (parts and labour), however, Chandler Limited will not cover shipping costs.

All Chandler 500 series units have now been tested and proven to have no power issues in the following racks: API 500V 10-slot with L200 PSU; API 500-6B Lunchbox; API 500-6B HC “new version” Lunchbox; BAE 11-slot with power one supply; BAE 6-slot portable with power one supply; BAE 6-slot with Avedis designed supply; A-Designs 2-slot; Purple Sweet 10; and Empirical Labs 2-slot.


  • Channels: Mono
  • Circuit: Discrete, Transistor, Transformer Balanced
  • Bypass: Hardwire

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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