Chandler Limited Little Devil
Chandler Limited Little Devil
Chandler Limited Little Devil

Chandler Limited Little Devil Pre Amp

Chandler Limited Little Devil Pre-Amp - this might be the best piece of Chandler gear yet! What makes the Little Devil Pre so special? Well, several things.

Chandler Limited Little Devil Pre Amp Details

The Chandler Limited Little Devil features a Class A gain stage sounds like no other design we’ve done. It’s big, yet open and full of life. Just about any parameter of the sound is changeable including the ability to change both the Feedback and Bias of the amplifier. The Feedback control increases harmonics thousands of times over the range of the control. The nature of clipping and distortion also changes and ranges from soft Class A clipping to super soft gushy tube type. The sounds range from a very coloured and “overbiased” tone to a gently coloured and “in your face” tone.

Other features of the Chandler Limited Little Devil Pre include High and Low input impedance; transformer balanced line in for using the Devil as a colour box on mixes or tracks; low cut; bright switch and more! This unit has no power-up issues with lunchboxes and rack systems.

All Chandler 500 series units have now been tested and proven to have no power issues in the following racks: API 500V 10-slot with L200 PSU; API 500-6B Lunchbox; API 500-6B HC “new version” Lunchbox; BAE 11-slot with power one supply; BAE 6-slot portable with power one supply; BAE 6-slot with Avedis designed supply; A-Designs 2-slot; Purple Sweet 10; and Empirical Labs 2-slot.


  • Channels: Mono
  • Circuit: Class A, Discrete, Transistor
  • Gain: max 66.5db

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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