Boss ROD-10

Boss ROD-10 Over Drive Distortion

The Boss ROD-10 featuring three different overdrive effects and a distortion fuzz and it can create wide variety of distortions.

Boss ROD-10 Over Drive Distortion Details

BOSS has condensed five different overdrive and distortion circuits and incorporated them into the Boss ROD-10 Overdrive/Distortion. With its compactness, high sound quality, and a wide variety of effects, the Boss ROD-10 can satisfy the needs of today’s guitarists in all playing situations.

The five different overdrive/distortion effects include three kinds of BOSS’ unique, highly touch-sensitive overdrive; a sharp, brilliant distortion; and a good old-fashioned fuzz. Each effect is produced by a completely independent circuit. You can select any one of the five distinctive effects by simply rotating a knob.

The effects can be turned on and off using an Effect switch on the front panel or by remote control using an FS-5L footswitch. The Boss ROD-10 features discrete amplifier construction for the effects circuitry to ensure low-noise operation at all times.

A three-band equaliser—high, middle, and bass—is provided for a flexible tone tailoring. The centre frequency of the middle band is adjustable from 250 Hz to 4 kHz. A line output is also provided. It incorporates a special line driver that provides the output signal with a frequency response similar to that obtained by a guitar amplifier Realistic “amplified” guitar sounds can be obtained even when the Boss ROD-10 is directly connected to a mixer, tape recorder, or any other line-level device.


  • Input Level/Input Impedance: -20dBm/1 Mohm
  • Output Level/Output Impedance: -20dBm/2kohm
  • Output Load Impedance: Over 10kohm
  • Power source: 9V DC by PSA series AC Adaptor or RPW-7
  • Current draw: 9V DC 50 mA
  • Dimensions: 8-9/16(W) x 6-11/16(D) x 1-3/4(H) in.
  • Weight: 2 lb

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Boss ROD-10 Over Drive Distortion

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