Boss RBF-10

Boss RBF-10 Flanger

The Boss RBF-10 Flanger from 1985 provided superior signal to noise ratio achieved with Built-In Noise Reduction.

Boss RBF-10 Flanger Details

The Boss RBF-10 is a stereo flanger with its 2 outputs consisting of D + E and D – E. Most conventional flangers are only applicable for guitars and basses due to their tendency to decrease S/N ratio as the direct sound is intensively modified. Overcoming this barrier is the Boss RBF-10’s built-in noise reduction circuitry for noiseless flanging.

That means that the Boss RBF-10 can be used with anything from keyboards to vocals. In addition to the RATE and DEPTH controls, there is a MANUAL control for selecting the centre frequency of the flanging effect. The FEEDBACK control assists in creating rich flanging effects with normal or inverted phase. With the MIX control, the proportion of direct to the effect sound may be varied. By creatively using these controls, many different sound effects ranging from an intense jet-like whooshing to a pleasant chorus-type sound to vibrato may be produced.


  • MANUAL: For selecting the centre frequency of the flanging effect. Set it to best match your instrument’s tonal characteristics.
  • RATE: For adjusting the speed of the flanging effect. Turn clockwise for increased speed and counterclockwise to slow it down.
  • DEPTH: This adjusts the depth of the flanging modulation. Turn clockwise for a deeper-sounding effect and counterclockwise for shallower flanging.
  • FEEDBACK: For controlling the amount of the feedback signal in normal (NOR) or inverted (INV) phase. Increase the FEEDBACK setting for emphasising the flanging effect.
  • MIX: For adjusting the proportion of direct sound to effect sound. Very useful when the RBF- 10 is patched into a mixer effects loop.


The Boss RBF-10 can produce very intense effects, so good musical sense is required to make optimum use of this unit.

Boss RBF-10

Above is the setting for “jet” flanging. By inserting a distortion unit just before the Boss RBF-10, that metallic guitar sound so essential to heavy metal music can be produced. When used with a synthesiser, the Boss RBF-10 will really make a lead solo stand out from the rest of the backing.

The key here is to increase the FEEDBACK level to a point where the prominent characteristics of flangers are really emphasised. Good examples are represented by Anthony Jackson’s playing, when accentuating the treble on bass, or adding flanging effects to cymbals and other percussion during recording, which is possible with the Boss RBF-10’s superior S/N ratio. The range of exciting applications is limited only by your imagination.


Boss RBF-10

Above depicts a chorus-like setting. The very wide range of control afforded by the RBF- 10 enables chorus- and phaser-like sounds to be produced as well.


  • Input Level/Impedance: -20dBm/1 Mohm,  10dBm/47kohm
  • Output Level: -20dBm, – 10dBm
  • Power Source: 9V DC by PSA series AC Adaptor
  • Dimensions: 218(W) x 44(H) x 169(D) mm
  • Weight: 900 gm

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Boss RBF-10 Flanger

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