Avalon Design VT-747SP

Avalon Design VT-747SP Compressor/Equaliser

The Avalon VT-747sp is one of those killer products, one which is very much not like any other, and is in fact so clever than many people miss the point, but make no mistake, this is one of those classics!

Avalon Design VT-747SP Compressor/Equaliser Details

The Avalon Design VT-747sp combines a creative STEREO tube-discrete Class A spectral-opto-compressor with a musical six band program equaliser, L-R output level and gain reduction metering and internal regulated power supplies in a 2U space. Ideal for high performance DAW input signal conditioning, stereo buss compression-EQ, stereo keyboards and analogue mastering applications.

The opto-compressor features a minimum signal path design utilising sealed silver relays for all signal routing and bypass functions. The optical attenuator acts as a passive level controller with a Class A, variable gain make-up amplifier. Full dynamic control from soft compression to hard-knee limiting can be achieved with master threshold, ratio-compression, attack and release controls. Gain reduction indication is a large analogue VU meter. Low frequency and high frequency contour parametric spectral controls can be routed into the side-chain path for enhanced frequency dependent compression with variable frequency and threshold levels. SC listen provides sidechain listen mode for monitoring.

Six Band Program Equaliser
The Avalon Design VT-747SP equaliser utilises 100% discrete, Class A high-voltage transistors for optimum sonic performance. The six band STEREO program EQ incorporates the smooth characteristics of an all-passive design. The frequency turnover, Q and amplitude ranges have been carefully chosen for each band to provide the most natural harmonic balance and lowest phase change while offering simple and effective tone control. The EQ can be placed pre or post the opto-compressor for enhanced effects.

TSP – Twin Signal Path
The Avalon Design VT-747SP features TSP which gives you the choice of either tube tone or the classic, Class A discrete transistor sound by exchanging, three (3) high-voltage dual triode tubes with discrete amplifiers in the opto-compressor and primary output stages.

Input-output & Metering
Fully balanced DC coupled, Class A discrete amplifiers are utilised for the input and output drive interface with+36dB input headroom. A high-quality analogue VU meter indicates accurate gain reduction. Twin 60dB range LED meters provide fast L-R output status of all levels.


  • Stereo Class A opto-compressor with spectral control
  • Stereo Class A six band discrete passive program EQ
  • TSP twin signal path, vacuum tube bypass
  • Low noise -92dB
  • Fully balanced Class A input and DC coupled outputs
  • Stereo dynamic 60dB high resolution output meters
  • High quality analogue VU meter for gain reduction
  • High headroom+36dB input before overload
  • Spectral sidechain monitor for pre listen
  • EQ pre-post selection for opto-compressor
  • Sealed silver relays for all signal routing
  • Internal discrete regulated power supplies
  • Military spec vacuum tubes for long life and low noise


  • Compressor type: Optical passive attenuator
  • Make-up gain: Variable 0dB to +10dB stereo tracking
  • Threshold – Ratio: Threshold variable -30dB to +20dB, ratio-compression variable 1:1 to 20:1
  • Attack – Release: Attack variable 2mS to 200mS, release variable 100mS to 5 seconds
  • Side-chain spectral contour: Variable threshold -15dB to +15dB, frequency 70Hz to 9kHz twin ranges
  • Frequency bands:

    • LF +/-24dB 15Hz shelf response
    • MF1 +/-8dB 125Hz selected Q response
    • MF2 +/-4dB 500Hz selected Q response
    • MF3 +/-4dB 2kHz selected Q response
    • MF4 +/-10dB 5kHz shelf response
    • HF +/-20dB 32kHz shelf response
  • Frequency Response: 1Hz-200kHz
  • Dynamic Range: >92dB
  • THD: Below 0.5%
  • Power Consumption: 70 watts
  • Dimensions: 482 x 305 x 89mm
  • Weight: 10kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

Avalon Design VT747-SP Rear
User Reviews

Avalon Design VT-747SP Compressor/Equaliser User Reviews


By Steven

Sound Quality 100%
Build Quality 95%
Usefullness 100%
Mojo/Funk 100%
Reliability 85%

I owned the Avalon Design VT-747SP for about three years and loved it. (I have since sold most of my studio gear) The build quality on Avalon gear is just ridiculously good, and the design superb, nothing looks better in my view. The compressor is not really designed for hard core compression like a DBX 160 or the like, it is more of a subtle compressor in that regard.

The EQ section is what most people simply do not get their head around fully. The complaint you will hear over and over, is that the frequency bands are not marked to indicate the frequency each adjuster is affecting, but that is the whole point! It is a VERY musical EQ that is designed to be tweaked by ear (remember those things?) and to me at least gives excellent results.

If you are after older hardware that has some kind of magic mojo because it is not pure in the signal path, this is not for you. Sound coming out of the Avalon Design VT-747sp is almost as pristine as what goes in. It is a shame that after all these years Avalon have decided to stop producing it, I guess they got sick of trying to make people understand it’s design and purpose. If you can get one on the used market do so, it is a magic box in my eyes!

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Avalon Design VT-747SP Compressor/Equaliser

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