AMS DMX15R Digital Reverb

The AMS DMX15R was designed as a digital reverb add-on for the AMS DMX 15-80S digital delay system. However, it is uncertain if this product was ever mass-produced, and if it was, it remains extremely rare. It is more likely that the AMS DMX15R was eventually developed into a standalone digital reverb unit (AMS RMX 16) that did not depend on the AMS DMX 15-80S to operate.

AMS DMX15R Digital Reverb Details

The AMS DMX15R is capable of interface to any of the AMS DMX 15-80 range of audio processors. It utilises the expensive digital converters, sampling and filtering circuitry common to all the AMS 15-80 units and hence the 15R is an extremely high-quality low-priced add-on peripheral. Its specifications and performance are astounding in comparison to any system presently available.

Operation of the system is straightforward – on selection of any one of up to nine programs the unit will provide a reverberant field, the parameters of which are shown on LED displays. Any or all of these fundamental parameters may be altered – the variables being pre-delay, decay time and high and low frequency decay profiles. Any alteration to the program variables may now be stored in memory locations which are not lost on power-down of the 15R.

As with the AMS 15-80 series, keypad entry ensures ease of entry of parameters as well as producing accurately repeatable effects. A remote interface will also be available for the system.

The AMS DMX15R is an exciting new concept – clean, natural pre-programmed reverberation may be selected with the greatest simplicity, or complex permutations of parameters may be accurately constructed, stored and recalled at will to obtain specific or unnatural reverberation effects.

As stated above, this unit was without a doubt, the forerunner to the AMS RMX16 Digital Reverb released later that same year and was unlikely to have ever gone into production as it is presented here.


There are no specifications published for this product at this time. We will add specifications in the future should this change.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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AMS DMX15R Digital Reverb

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