Altec 9063A

Altec 9063A Equaliser

The Altec 9063A is a vintage passive equaliser from the 1960s, offering precise tonal shaping with boost and attenuation options. Known for its simplicity and robust design, it remains highly sought after in the second-hand market for mixing and mastering applications.

Altec 9063A Equaliser Details

The Altec 9063A is a vintage passive program equaliser from the 1960s, renowned for its high-quality components and exceptional sound shaping capabilities. It’s identical in circuitry to models like the Langevin 251A/258A and the Hycor/Cinema Engineering 4301, all of which are highly regarded in the audio community.

This EQ offers selectable high and low bands, with up to 12 dB of boost at 40 or 100 Hz, and at 3, 5, 10, or 15 kHz. It also provides 16 dB of attenuation at 100 Hz and 10 kHz, allowing for precise tonal adjustments.

As a passive device, the Altec 9063A introduces about 14 dB of insertion loss, necessitating external gain makeup to achieve unity gain. Users have successfully paired it with various mic and line amplifiers to compensate for this loss, finding that different preamps can impart unique sonic characteristics.

The Altec 9063A is praised for its simplicity and effectiveness in enhancing audio signals, making it a valuable tool for both mixing and mastering applications. Its robust construction and enduring design have solidified its status as a classic piece of audio equipment among enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Given its vintage status, the 9063A is typically available through second-hand markets, with prices reflecting its rarity and reputation. The Altec 9063A remains a sought-after equaliser for those seeking vintage audio equipment that delivers a distinctive and musical sound shaping experience.


  • Low-Frequency Boost: Up to 12 dB at 40 Hz or 100 Hz.
  • High-Frequency Boost: Up to 12 dB at 3 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz, or 15 kHz.
  • Attenuation: 16 dB cut at 100 Hz and 10 kHz.


Due to its passive design, it introduces approximately 14 dB of insertion loss, necessitating external gain compensation.

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Altec 9063A Equaliser

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