Alesis CLX-440

Alesis CLX-440 Compressor Limiter Expander Gate

The Alesis CLX-440 is a powerhouse dynamics processor featuring a Compressor, Limiter, Expander and Gate in a two unit rack mount.

Alesis CLX-440 Compressor Limiter Expander Gate Details

The Alesis CLX-440 is an incredible sound shaping tool, designed to perform a dedicated function. And do it well. Professional quality, four-channel, dual-stereo digital processor with the look and feel of a high-end analogue system. A unique, one knob per function interface.

And all the hallmarks of an Alesis product – like unique, proprietary technology, based on our own patented semiconductor design. Exceptionally feature rich and user friendly. And remarkably affordable. Yet far beyond anything else in their price range.


  • Frequency Response: 20Hz – 20kHz
  • Dynamic Range: 103dB (A-weighted)
  • THD+N: <0.003%
  • Converters: Alesis Semiconductor 24-bit 128x oversampling Sigma-Delta A/D, D/A converters
  • S/N Ratio: -103 dB (A-weighted)
  • Internal Processor: Alesis Semiconductor
  • Internal Sampling: 48k

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Classic Tracks

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Famous Racks

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Alesis CLX-440 Compressor Limiter Expander Gate

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