Akai DR16

Akai DR16 Hard Disk Recorder

The Akai DR16 is a digital hard disk recorder with sophisticated non-destructive editing functions allowing near-instant data access, and a 16-channel programmable mixer. It's as easy to use as a conventional analogue MTR machine but gives true 16-track performance from a single hard disk at a highly cost-effective price level per track.

Akai DR16 Hard Disk Recorder Details

The Akai DR16 simplifies multi-track recording and playback, offering familiar transport controls reminiscent of traditional MTRs. Operating much like tape, it allows seamless punching in and out during recording, with the Auto Punch feature ensuring precise rehearsal and repetition of punches. With the Take function, you can store up to five trial recordings on a single track, facilitating audition and selection of the best take. Additionally, the Undo function allows you to correct mistakes easily.

However, the Akai DR16 goes beyond traditional tape replacement. Utilising proprietary LSI chips from the Akai DD1500 post-production system, it enables 16-track 16-bit linear digital audio recording and playback from a single SCSI hard disk.

Users can select disk size, with approximately 16 x 12 track minutes available per 1 gigabyte of disk memory at 44.1kHz. Connecting to external storage systems is straightforward, supporting up to six SCSI devices via the SCSI interface, including magneto-optical disk drives for recording and replay. The digital interface allows for easy data backup to DAT and direct recording of mixes to DAT.

Editing on the Akai DR16 is intuitive and non-destructive, offering zero loss. With random access to the disk, audio can be manipulated instantly without physically copying it. The Jog/Shuttle control facilitates easy edit point location, while the 16-channel programmable mixer with snapshot and fade automation enhances mixing capabilities.

The Akai DR16 can be expanded by slaving up to seven units to a master unit, providing a total track capacity of 128. Various interface options, such as the IB801S SCSI-B interface board, allow connection to personal computers and peripherals for expanded functionality.

Drawing on Akai’s expertise in musical equipment, the DR16 seamlessly integrates with recording studios, featuring MIDI control capabilities via the IB803M MIDI interface board. The IB804A Alesis ADAT digital interface enables real-time copying of 8 channels of digital audio between the Akai DR16 and ADAT-compatible machines.

For pro audio and broadcast applications, optional interface boards like the IB802T SMPTE interface and IB805R RS422 interface offer unique synchronisation and machine control capabilities. The IB806B Bi-Phase interface facilitates integration with film-based technology.

The Akai DR16 combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, making it a versatile and powerful tool for professional audio recording and production.

Superb sound and powerful random-access editing with the ease-of-use of a conventional tape recorder

  • 18-bit 64x oversampling ADC
  • 20-bit 8x oversampling DAC
  • 24-bit internal processing
  • Instantaneous access to 109 autolocate points — no waiting for tape winding
  • Link up to 8 DR16s for 128 tracks
  • “Take” function for easy recording and auditioning of alternative takes
  • Standard SCSI interface allows access to external drives including M/O and JAZ removable media drives


Internal 16-channel digital mixer

  • 99-scene snapshot and fade automation
  • Full dynamic automation via MIDI
  • 2 aux sends
  • Stereo BUS for internal digital mixdown
  • Optional 16-channel digital 3-band parametric EQ


Extensive I/O

  • Analog: 8 in/16 out + stereo master; Switchable +4/-10dB line levels; Balanced 1/4″ TSR in/out; Built-in mic preamps
  • Digital: AES/EBU and S/PDIF standard
  • Optional adat multichannel interface


Sync to everything

  • Wordclock input standard
  • Optional SMPTE, MIDI, RS422 (Sony 9-pin), and Biphase sync boards


SuperView Graphic Interface Option

  • High-resolution graphic display of track, envelope, and selected edit region
  • Simply plug in any SVGA monitor. No computer needed.
  • ASCII keyboard input for naming and remote control


Other Options

  • Internal 2 GB hard drive
  • DL16 Remote Controller/Mixtab
  • MT8 Mix Controller
  • 2nd SCSI port


  • Number of Tracks: 16 tracks
  • Digital Audio Format: 16-bit linear PCM
  • Sampling Frequencies: 48kHz, 44.1kHz, 44.056kHz, 32kHz
  • Recording Media: Optional internal SCSI hard disk (KIT-DR8 required) or external hard disk
  • Recording Time (1GB hard disk): fs=48kHz, 3 hours, 1 minute (16 tracks x 11.31 minutes); fs=44.1kHz, 3 hours, 17 minutes (16 tracks x 12.31 minutes); fs=32kHz, 4 hours, 32 minutes (16 tracks x 17.00 minutes)
  • Internal Mixer: 16 channels
  • Display: Custom FLD – 7 segments time display/14 segments message display, plus indicators
  • Peak Level Meter: 20 segments FLD (Channels 1-16 or SEND 1/2, BUS L/R, MASTER L/R)
  • Analogue Audio Inputs: (x8) (balanced/unbalanced) 1/4″ diameter stereo phone jack, gain select (HI/MID/LOW)
  • A/D: 18 bits 64-times oversampling, 5th delta-sigma system
  • Analogue Audio Outputs: (x16) (balanced/unbalanced)
    • 1/4″ diameter stereo phone jack, gain select (HI/LOW)
    • Master out x 2(L/R)switchable for tracks 15-16
    • Send x 2 switchable for tracks 13-14
    • Individual out x 12
  • D/A:
    • Tracks 1-12: 18 bit 8-times oversampling
    • Tracks 13-16: 20 bit 8-times oversampling
  • Digital Audio Inputs: (x2) Canon XLB x 1/Unbalanced RCA x 1
  • Digital Audio Outputs: (x2) Master out, Canon XLB x 1/Unbalanced RCA x 1
  • Digital Input/Output: AES/EBU Type I, II
  • SYNC: (x1) Digital Wordclock/Video (BNC connector)
  • Headphone Output: (x1) 1/4″ diameter stereo phone jack
  • Foot Switch Terminal: (x1) 1/4″ diameter phone jack
  • DR16 Extend Remote: (x3) 8-pin DIN
  • Maximum number of units on Remote Bus: 8 x DR16 (or mix DR18/DR8) + 2 x MT8
  • SCSI-A: (x1) 50-pin Amphenol for external hard disk
  • Power Requirements: 120VAC,60Hz, 120W; 220-240VAC, 50Hz
  • Dimensions: 483mm x 179mm x 410mm
  • Weight: 15 kg

The details provided above are drawn from historical documents like advertising brochures or user manuals. They’re shared without bias or review. This info is given solely for your consideration, helping you gauge its usefulness to you.

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Akai DR16 Hard Disk Recorder

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