Vintage Digital is a treasure trove of classic digital and analogue studio gear, boasting a large collection of Reverbs, Delays, Compressors, Equalisers, Samplers and Audio Recorders!

Explore detailed information including specifications for hundreds of classic recording gear including tape machines, plus user manuals, service manuals, reverb impulse responses and our own vintage gear publications.

Digital Reverbs

Digital Delays

Digital Processors

Other Digital Effects

Compressor Limiters

Microphone Preamplifiers

Other Analogue Effects


500 Series

Audio Recorders

Guitar Effects Processors


The Latest Classic Recording Gear Additions

Released in 1976

dbx 118 Dynamic Range Enhancer

The dbx 118 Dynamic Range Enhancer, despite being initially targeted at consumers, has earned a solid reputation in professional studio environments.
Released in 1976

dbx 119 Dynamic Range Enhancer

The dbx 119 is remembered for its versatility and advanced features, offering extended compression range, precise threshold-based control, and dual modes for professional and audiophile use. Its ability to enhance dynamic range and provide consistent, high-quality sound made it a valuable tool in studios and public address systems, all at an affordable price.

Check out these Classic Tracks

Road To Nowhere

Talking Heads

Nothing Compares 2U

Sinead O'Connor


John Fogerty

Even Flow

Pearl Jam

Toy Matinee

Toy Matinee

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